King dedede is one of the slower characters in brawl. his running speed is not amazing and both kirby and meta-knight can out fly him. so where does the king's strength lie? well, he can do immense damage to anyone in his way. Dedede's attacks are primarily performed with the hammer that he carries.
his smash attacks are as follows:
B-vaccuum. basically a rip off of kirby's vaccum attack, but dedede cannot steal powers off characters.

B side- waddle dee attack. dedede thows one of his well known minions at his opponent. not very difficult to dodge however.
B down- jet hammer. dedede charces up energy in his hammer and attacks. this is a close range attack that is easy to dodge, but will do immense damage if it hits.
B up-my favourite of dedede's moves, the WIN jump. dedede leaps into the air and crashes down to earth. if anyone is caught in his attack, well, lets just say its not pretty. this attack is great for endless brawl as you can spam and spam and spam.
DEDEDE'S final smash, however, is the waddle dee army. dedede calles out waddle dees, waddle doos and gordos, who run around the stage causing damage.