Merry indeed.
You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!
Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Skyward sword: Best wii game of 2011
Well, it was kinda obvious that Skyward sword would win this. We have been waiting for it for 2 years. and may i say, it was well worth the wait.
The Doctor Replays: Pokemon ruby
After 5 years and 6 months, i restarted pokemon ruby. the game that started me on my journey to being a pokemon mastah. Last time i started with sceptile. This time i started with... Sceptile.
So what? Sceptile is beast. THe fastest of the three, by far and with a reasonably high attack.
My team of awesome. Sceptile, Aggron, dusclops, Flygon/Salamence, Walrein and Gardevoir.
Why did i choose these six pokemon? they are all brilliant. Aggron takes hits like a tank, then dishes out punishment. Dusclops and Gardevoir are masters of the ranged attack. Flygon uses speed and attack. Walrein... is the eggman, we are the eggmen, walrein is the walrus. thats how awesome it is.
So what? Sceptile is beast. THe fastest of the three, by far and with a reasonably high attack.
My team of awesome. Sceptile, Aggron, dusclops, Flygon/Salamence, Walrein and Gardevoir.
Why did i choose these six pokemon? they are all brilliant. Aggron takes hits like a tank, then dishes out punishment. Dusclops and Gardevoir are masters of the ranged attack. Flygon uses speed and attack. Walrein... is the eggman, we are the eggmen, walrein is the walrus. thats how awesome it is.
Ghost Recon Online looks amazing on Wii U
Bar the poor acting, Ghost Recon online looks pretty amazing on Nintendo's new console:
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Super Mario 3D Land Review
Mario games are classics, so when a new one comes along, you want to know, is it really as good as the first time I stepped into the plumbers shoes? Well, Super Mario 3D Land comes along and a blogger reviews it.
3D Land is like a hybrid of two genres. The fast paced, bouncing action of the 2D Mario games and the freedom to move around the environment of the 3D titles. Combining the two makes for some interesting gameplay. Most of the levels are very short, taking about as much time to complete as a 2D Mario level, but each level adds in elements of a 3D Mario title. Things like cannons, bouncy mushrooms and classic moves like the backflip and side jump. It also adds in some new things to the world, like a pair of stationary binoculars which let you see the end level flag, as well as help you search for Toads which drop star coins and a new rolling move, which, personally, I didn't use all that much. Power-ups are back and come in the colourful shapes of the super mushroom, the fire-flower and the propeller suit. New to the series is the boomerang suit, which is like the fire flower, except you throw a boomerang. It's actually really helpful for getting items in hard to reach places. Returning to the series is the Tanooki suit, which turns the plumber into a racoon, letting him do a hover jump and adding an offensive spin attack to his arsenal. On top of this, you get 8 worlds with 5-7 levels to play through, as well as a mystery box that awards coins and items and an item house. Each level has 3 star coins to find, adding some much needed length to your crusade to rescue the princess. In some cases, you actually need to spend star coins to unlock the next level, so I recommend you get every star coins in every level. While every level is a lot of fun, they are both short and easy, making it feel like this Mario game had a little less effort put into it then the other titles. In fact, I beat the main story in six hours. Yeah, six. But afterwards, you get another 8 worlds to romp around in, all of which are harder and longer than the normal ones. I'm glad they were included because they add a lot to this game. In the first special world, you unlock Luigi to use in any level you choose. He and Mario are very different, more so than in their other incounters. Luigi can jump much higher but falls much slower and has awful traction, whereas Mario's jumps are weaker, his control is greater. So, there's no clear advantage for either character. In some cases, you'll wish you had Luigi's jumping prowess and in others, you'll be longing for Mario's control, but overall, they are balanced enough and different enough for it to be worthwhile to use both of them. Beating this game completely took about 15 hours, as opposed to the 55 I've put into Ocarina 3D (partly because my game glitched in the master quest version and I had to start it again) so, if you are looking for the best game on 3DS, you'll find it in Ocarina of Time, but if you need more than one game, Super Mario 3D Land is a must have. It's not the best Mario game, but it's one of the best (beaten by Galaxy 1&2,and New Super Mario Bros Wii) To me, this game feels a little like the Twilight Princess of Mario games. Great, but not different enough to be amazing (except I like Twilight Princess better) Still, the game is fantastic and you must pick it up.
4EVER out.

4EVER out.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The weirdest side quest ever
Skyward Sword has many many side quests, most of them very strange. But there's one which I think is just plain weird.
If you go to the item storage at Bazaar, you'll talk to Peatrice, the bored shopkeeper. If you come there often, she'll eventually ask: "Huh, you keep coming here are lot. Is it just to see me?" Since I enjoy taking advantage of people's emotions, I gleefully said yes. She didn't take me seriously though. When I came back later, she asked me what I needed to do. I said that I was only here to see her. She didn't have much to say that time, but she was a little embarassed. Now, I know what you're thinking, but no, I'm not a rapist/stalker...much
Anyway, I kept coming back and soon enough, she asked me another question, a little more forward than the previous ones. She asked: "Do you really like me?" I answered in the affirmative. She did a little dance and pretty much jumped out of her skin. I kept coming back to the store over and over again until she started calling me sweetie. I was a little perturbed by my new virtual girlfriend, but I kept at it, until eventually she called me darling. Afterwards at the storage area, she says that she can hold onto anything of yours that you want...right-o then.
The next day, she asks me to come over to her house that when the sun goes down. So, I put on my lucky underwear, washed my mouth out and sprayed some lynx on before heading to her house. Turns out her dad was there. Holy-
He then told me that he thought his daughter had an unwanted admirer and that he wanted me to find the bastard and beat him to dust. I would gladly have done so, but I used my detecting powers to work out he was talking about me, even if he didn't know it. I spoke to Peatrice again. She was overjoyed to see me and asked what I really felt about her. I replied that I liked her. She asked me the same question to make sure I wasn't lying. When she was convinced, she squealed for joy and stated that our love was undying and eternal and that we would go on to get married. Before I could go either: "U mad woman?/ Yes my love, forever and always" she said that she was aware that I was on some epic mission and that I didn't have the time for a relationship, so she said that once I was finished we could finally be together. I left the house knowing that I had accomplished something, I just didn't know what (that and I got 5 crystals)
Boy, Zelda is going to be pretty angry when she gets back...
If you go to the item storage at Bazaar, you'll talk to Peatrice, the bored shopkeeper. If you come there often, she'll eventually ask: "Huh, you keep coming here are lot. Is it just to see me?" Since I enjoy taking advantage of people's emotions, I gleefully said yes. She didn't take me seriously though. When I came back later, she asked me what I needed to do. I said that I was only here to see her. She didn't have much to say that time, but she was a little embarassed. Now, I know what you're thinking, but no, I'm not a rapist/stalker...much
Anyway, I kept coming back and soon enough, she asked me another question, a little more forward than the previous ones. She asked: "Do you really like me?" I answered in the affirmative. She did a little dance and pretty much jumped out of her skin. I kept coming back to the store over and over again until she started calling me sweetie. I was a little perturbed by my new virtual girlfriend, but I kept at it, until eventually she called me darling. Afterwards at the storage area, she says that she can hold onto anything of yours that you want...right-o then.
The next day, she asks me to come over to her house that when the sun goes down. So, I put on my lucky underwear, washed my mouth out and sprayed some lynx on before heading to her house. Turns out her dad was there. Holy-
He then told me that he thought his daughter had an unwanted admirer and that he wanted me to find the bastard and beat him to dust. I would gladly have done so, but I used my detecting powers to work out he was talking about me, even if he didn't know it. I spoke to Peatrice again. She was overjoyed to see me and asked what I really felt about her. I replied that I liked her. She asked me the same question to make sure I wasn't lying. When she was convinced, she squealed for joy and stated that our love was undying and eternal and that we would go on to get married. Before I could go either: "U mad woman?/ Yes my love, forever and always" she said that she was aware that I was on some epic mission and that I didn't have the time for a relationship, so she said that once I was finished we could finally be together. I left the house knowing that I had accomplished something, I just didn't know what (that and I got 5 crystals)
Boy, Zelda is going to be pretty angry when she gets back...

I've seen this happen in a few games like pokemon for example, legendaries just aren't particularly special, it seems the only thing that sets them apart form other pokemon is that they sometimes have slightly more detail (yet nowhere close to spectrobes detail) and you can only get one. Whats in the picture above is what legendaries should be more like, epic, practically unstoppable. In the mystery dungeon games you defeat heaps of legendaries as a starter pokemon without evolving, it just seems too easy. Admittedly i'm not sure how they would fix this in the game, but still how awesome would it be knowing that you caught a super powerful pokemon that was a massive challenge to get, as opposed to just walking to the top of a mountain and catching a decent pokemon, i mean when i catch a legendary i usually don't really even use him, because the pokemon that i already have in my team are stronger.

Monday, December 19, 2011
Kingdom Hearts 3d- Update
Moar Information! Vanitas is coming back. Vanitas is the Final Boss for Ventus in BBS Ansem and xemnas are coming back Also, some good news. Hes back. Got it memorise
<- This guy right here

<- This guy right here
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Next Super Smash Bros
Why Skyward Sword is the only true Wii game to get motion control right:
After countless minigames and wagglefests released on Nintendo's console, there is finally a game which truly makes motion not only a feature of the game, but the star. After hurting our wrists and shattering bones playing things like Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games and Carnival party, we realised that the motion gaming was pretty annoying and very painful, so when games like Super Mario Galaxy came along and utilised the motion instead of abusing it, we all felt a little better. The first game that really made motion work on the system was another Zelda game: Twilight Princess. Although it was released on Gamecube as well, the motion controls for Twilight Princess were awesome. Aiming was very easy and intuitive and even the menus were made simpler to navigate. And although it might not seem like much, Twilight Princess allowed players to swing their sword while running to cut grass. To many, this won't seem like much of a big deal, but this is actually pretty helpful when it comes to the game. However, the substitution of a button press for a Wii mote shake as a form of attack wasn't really useful or interesting at all. It was Skyward Sword the really made motion work, for the first time ever in a video game. The sword combat is excellent. It's not longer waiting for skulltalas to turn around, instead, you'll have to study and memorise enemy blocking and attacking patterns to defeat even the simplest foe. Using items like the slingshot work almost identically to Twilight Princess, but new items like the beetle could not be done without the new and improved motion controls. Things like flying your Loftwing is made fun and engaging thanks to Nintendo's idea. It took the whole of the Wii's lifespan to get it, but it finally worked. Sure, every now and then, the controls will frustrate you, the bomb controls feel a little weird, but overall I can easily say that motion control is the way of the future for The Legend of Zelda.
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