You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The 3DS: Gimmick or Revolution

I know I'm supposed to be away for a bit, but the 3DS has been released and I just couldn't resist!

You see, the DS is probably the best handheld console ever invented (In my opinion) but at last, its successor has arrived. The new console is sporting 3D that doesn't need glasses. That's right, no glasses. But if you don't want to see the 3D, just flick the switch off and boom, 2D. 

3D gaming? Do you really want it, and on a small screen? Sure, I can see potential in it, I can see some people who would love it. I can see people who would hate it.

The new system has some cool looking games coming out for it, Mario Kart, Zelda, Metal Gears Solid, Ocarina, Street Fighter, Prof Layton, Lylat Wars, so it looks like it's worth a shot. 

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sorry guys

Sorry everyone, but I really don't have that much time for blogging at the moment. Or gaming for that matter. Don't worry though, I'll be ready again at the end of next week. But keep checking for Terfle's posts. 4EVER will be back.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Epic Mickey

A game that I got a while ago is Epic Mickey. This game is quite a step in a new direction for Disney. It is a bit undeniable that Disney has a talent for buying things and then ruining them(Jelly Car). This doesn't happen for everything (Kingdom Hearts) but Disney tends to be obsessed with happy endings and dull story lines. That is why I like how they have stepped away from their usual ways for this game. Basically Mickey accidentally created a monster called the Phantom Blot who then destroyed a world called wasteland and then dragged Mickey inside. As Mickey was getting dragged in he tried to grab on to something to stop him, but all he grabbed was an enchanted paint brush. With this paint brush mickey can erase objects and create them. In the game play there is almost always two ways to solve every puzzle, one where you erase things and one where you create things, generally people will choose one and stick with it, because if you do you get things called guardians which help you greatly. The characters in the game also judge you on several things like if you will go out of your way to help people and do quests that are difficult when they are not mandatory. The way that you do quests and solve puzzles will change the way people treat you, it also changes what you can do later on in the game. I liked the occasional 2d side scrolling levels as it was a nice way to break up the game play, and I also like the character Oswald. Oswald is pretty much Mickey, but cool (like with Roxas and Sora). The thing that I thought was really awesome though was that this whole game was Disney going through their history. Oswald was meant to be Mickey, he was going to be Disney's mascot but they changed it to Mickey. Also the mad professor is from one of the early Disney cartoons (they let you watch a few of them). And last but not least, the entirety of wasteland is actually a warped and twisted version of Disneyland (I was like 'mind blown') this is never discussed in the game but if you think about it...
