You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!
Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Super Smash Bros Brawl dissection: Ike
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ohh Terfle...
I may have found something that you... may enjoy. Namely: PIKMIN 3! ZOMG!!!!
The original Pikmin games were released on the gamecube, but were remade for the Wii with better graphics and new play controls. They worked as far as games with new play controls went, but they were still old games remade for a generation which may have missed out on the originals. But now... a completely new installment of the series has been announced by Shegeru Miyamoto himself! Epic!
The original Pikmin games were released on the gamecube, but were remade for the Wii with better graphics and new play controls. They worked as far as games with new play controls went, but they were still old games remade for a generation which may have missed out on the originals. But now... a completely new installment of the series has been announced by Shegeru Miyamoto himself! Epic!

nooooooooooooooooooo! Why? Why? I just found out that the fifth and supposedly final installment of one of my favourite game series ever, Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles will be coming out on 3ds not ds, 3ds. Damn. This means that Im going to need to get a 3ds, which will be no small task. At least the fourth one will still be coming out on regular ds, but still. Why did they have to make it on 3ds, I was fine with the way that it was on regular Ds. Sad face.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Metroid Other M

I recently played the game metroid other m, a game that and I've heard quite a lot of hate for. I thought that it was great game, and one of the things that annoys me a lot about the haters for this game is that they all said either 1. Samus was too blaby, well apart from the intro and end there is barely any cutscenes of dialog. 2. Samus's voice acting was bad, well this is more of a matter of opinion but I think tha her voice suited her fine, as she was raised by aliens, was trained to be a soldier and is going through post traumatic stress. And 3. you never get to roam, its way too linear. After the credits there is not only an extra bit of the storyline for you to do, but you also get to roam to your hearts content. Anyway I thought that this game was great because it had amazing graphics, an interesting storyline and really fun gameplay.

What I found fun about it was that you had completely no idea what was going to happen next, you could just be walking around, then a giant lava monster jumps out and tries to kill you. You then of course start fighting it and begin to think, "im gonna beat it!". Then reality kicks in and you end up in this
position with you falling to your doom and the monster with its jaws wide open. The boss battles arent too short or too easy, which I found nice. A feature of it that I found really useful was the last second dodge. This was really useful, but not that easy to use. You need perfect timing for it to work but if it does you can dodge all sorts of things.

This can be useful for when giant purple lizard fall from the sky. I thought this game was very good, but of course that is my opinion and it isnt the same as everybody elses. So if you do hate this game then I dont really need to know. 
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