You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Party games for the Wii

The best selling games on Wii weren't always the best actual games. Although Twilight Princess and Super Mario sold bundles, the most successful ones were the party games. The words, "Fun for the whole family" really scare me when it comes to games. Normally, party games are garbage. The main technique involved is waggling the Wii-Mote until your hand falls off. Sure, even the bad party games have their moments, but most of them reek of abusive motion control. But, there are a few party games which really get it right. Wii Sports. Simple but fun. It wasn't meant to be amazing, and it isn't but who can deny that it was actually pretty fun the first time you tried it. Golf and boxing were a bit clunky, but there was still fun to be had. Then, it was Wii Sports resort that was actually pretty cool. Most of the games here (especially Sword fighting) were intuitive, dare I say even cool? This is by far the best party game on the system by a longshot. There are other good ones too, like Wii Play, but in most cases the party games suck like nothing else. Like Guinness World Record: The video game, Hasbro family game night (which ruins perfectly fine board games) Circus games, Carnival games and many other ones that deserve to be burnt in the fires of Death Mountain.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

4EVER's favourite Zelda games 2

How could I leave this out? The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is by a long-shot, the second best Zelda game of all time. I don't understand why people like Ocarina of Time better than this, Twilight Princess is simply amazing in every aspect. The world of Hyrule feel so natural and large, I loved every second I was in it. The temples were some of the best in the series with some fantastic design and they were much less overwhelming than that Ocarina of Time's, yet still contained the difficulty of the others. The graphics were awesome on Wii and the motion controls actually worked really well. The dark atmosphere, the epic bosses and the wolf form all made this game pretty dang awesome, in fact, this would be my favourite Zelda game, if not for the only only other Zelda game on Wii...

4EVER's favourite Zelda games 3

LOL. Ocarina of Time 3D. Bet you didn't see that coming. Basically, it's the original, but with better graphics, better controls and Master Quest. Most would say: "This isn't as good as the original!" But, nostalgia aside, this game is simply better. 

4EVER's favourite Zelda games 4

OCARINA OF TIME. Yes, Ocarina of time comes at number four. This is the highest critically acclaimed game of all time and with good reason. It revolutionised the gaming landscape by adding in elements which we'd never seen before and really pushed 3D gaming to new limits. Everything about this game was masterful and still hold up today as a great game for all. Many a gamer loved Ocarina of Time, fond memories forever embedded inside their heads. Ah, classic, but today, while it's still a great game, there are better ones in the series. So, haters gonna hate, but Ocarina of Time comes in at number 4.

4EVER's favourite Zelda games 5

As a generalisation, I like the 3D Zelda's better than the 2D ones, so Majora's Mask comes in at number five. This game is pretty dang cool, but at the same time, very dark. Darkness is something I prefer, it makes for more tense atmosphere and Majora's Mask nails the feeling of terror, made all the more creepier by the gigantic moon up above your head, threatening to kill all. But, as cool and spooky as this game is, I was more terrified of the Clock. When I play a game, I don't mind time limits on missions or section, but for the whole game, I just found it hard to play. I was freaking out about the clock so much. I just wanted to explore the world and do things at my own pace, but I always felt pressured to do stuff so that I didn't have time (or didn't feel like I had time) to do all the things I wanted in the game. Which is why Majora's Mask comes in at number five.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I was playing Skyward Sword and:

Huuaah. NOO. Just c'mere...THE SHEILD BROKE!! (Headshot) AAHHAHAHA. It was over here...and I just, ran into spike...and...I ran into spike and I brokethesheeeeild!
Sniff. What do you think of this guys?