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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Party games for the Wii

The best selling games on Wii weren't always the best actual games. Although Twilight Princess and Super Mario sold bundles, the most successful ones were the party games. The words, "Fun for the whole family" really scare me when it comes to games. Normally, party games are garbage. The main technique involved is waggling the Wii-Mote until your hand falls off. Sure, even the bad party games have their moments, but most of them reek of abusive motion control. But, there are a few party games which really get it right. Wii Sports. Simple but fun. It wasn't meant to be amazing, and it isn't but who can deny that it was actually pretty fun the first time you tried it. Golf and boxing were a bit clunky, but there was still fun to be had. Then, it was Wii Sports resort that was actually pretty cool. Most of the games here (especially Sword fighting) were intuitive, dare I say even cool? This is by far the best party game on the system by a longshot. There are other good ones too, like Wii Play, but in most cases the party games suck like nothing else. Like Guinness World Record: The video game, Hasbro family game night (which ruins perfectly fine board games) Circus games, Carnival games and many other ones that deserve to be burnt in the fires of Death Mountain.


  1. Well, it's a one man show now.
    Hope you guys had some fun on the blog. Guess it's just up to me now.


    ^possibly the worst party game known to man.

  3. i've been so busy playing skyrim and skyward sword and stuff
