You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How do you play Pokemon?

Everyone has they're own style of how they become Pokemon Masters, so how do you do it? Everyone here at the Nintendo Blog will have to make a post in response to this.

I usually pick the water starter Pokemon, but not as a rule, and make sure he is the highest level of any Pokemon I have because the starter Pokemon have very high stats. I normally do water so I can teach him surf. I then catch the basic flying Pokemon (Pidgey, Starly, Taillow whatever) so he can learn fly. I will catch either one or two more Pokemon that balance out my starter and flying guy (I try to have a fire type and either a grass type, or electric type) I'll also catch some guys who I dump my HM's on so I don't have to give any of my better guys Rock Smash or Cut. I also catch the game's main legendary and the three that usually accompany it. But that's it. I find the less Pokemon you have, the better, because you then have to spread out you exp over each Pokemon. (It helps to get an exp share)

Example: I have, in my new game of fire red, gotten Blastoise, Pidgeot, Raichu, Meowth (as my HM) guy and Snorlax. I also have a Hitmonlee in Day Care.

That's how I do it, what about you?

Excited for Ocarina 3DS

At first, I wasn't all that keen about a 3DS, even with Ocarina of Time coming out, but recently, I've had a change of heart. I already have the game on Wii through the Shop channel, but I think I would actually prefer to have it on a handheld. For a couple of reasons. Well, first off, the game's been remastered, which means the graphics and music has been re-done for this looks gorgeous! The other main reasons are that I already play lots of other Wii games like Brawl, Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros Wii and I have to lose time on those if I want to play Ocarina of Time on the Wii, but the other thing is the Temples. You know in Zelda if you save and turn off the console you return to the start of the Temple or location when you boot up the game? Well, unless I'm playing a GBA game on it, I rarely turn my DS off. I usually just leave it on and connected to the charger. So, instead of having to turn it off and start at a location I'm not fond of, I can just put the console to sleep and pick it up later. 
There are also a few bonuses in the game. Once you beat the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time, you can do a boss run. You can choose to fight any Boss whenever you want, or fight them all in a row to the bitter end. All these things are drawing me to the 3DS and the re-release of the greatest game of all time. My nintendo senses tell me that The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS will be released on June 30 2011 in Australia. Not sure if I will actually get it, but this is tempting, oh so tempting...

OVER 5000!

Whoa, where did this come from? I think is was...maybe a week ago that we had 4000 views, and now we have over half of 10,000. I think that's pretty cool.

Oh, right, I have to make a Charlie Sheen reference every time we reach another thousand views. Ta Daaa!

Nintendo means buisness

As everyone should know nintendo released their new hand held console the 3ds vaguely recently. Something that i only just heard about was that nintendo can do something to your 3ds known as bricking, though im not sure if this is necessarily true. Nintendo claims it has the power to brick your 3ds if it thinks that you have been hacking or using third party modifications and flash carts. None of us here at the nintendo blog are haxors, but this news is a little alarming. What would happen is that when you update your 3ds over the internet, the 3ds would become completely unresponsive. This cannot be fixed, even by nintendo themselves. I guess that if nintendo could fix it then hackers could too. If your 3ds is bricked then it will become completely useless and you will have to buy a new one. The internet says that it is just a bluff because no one has been bricked yet, but it would just assume that nintendo is playing it smart and letting everyone get comfortable before it does what it plans to do. It is still hard to determine whether or not bricking is legal, nintendo only have legal power over services not goods, so they could cut your 3ds off from the internet with no legal ramifications, but would destroying your device be something that they could be sued over? No one really knows what will happen yet, but time will tell.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Is Pokemon timeless, or has it never evolved?

One night, I did something and I still don't know why I did. I picked up Pokemon FireRed Version and inserted it into my DS and started playing. At first, I was a bit underwhelmed at the game, even though I'd had it since it came out. So much was missing and yet...something kept me playing. Soon enough, I was no longer aware of the missing Poketch and X and Y buttons. This was Pokemon, and I was loving it all over again. But it then made me think. If I can play a game made 7 years ago and play Pokemon Platinum and have the same amount of fun, has Pokemon evolved at all, or had Nintendo's charm lasted all these years?

100 Stars!

YES! I've reached 100 stars in Super Mario Galaxy! I'm so close! And I havn't even beaten Bowser yet! To the space traveling plumber in red, thank you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hardstyle and Metal, because i can

While roaming the internet i found this, a dubstep/hardstyle remix (whatever you want to call it) of the zelda them 'Lost Woods'. Make sure you listen to at least 45 sec.

I also found this metal version of Gourmet race, the kirby theme.

Woah, there are actually heaps of these if you start looking, here is a rock version of gerudo valley, a theme from Ocarina of time.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Worried about the Skyward Sword

I'm worried that everything will be based around the Wii-Motion plus. As in, oh look, there's a puzzle! Instead of using my mind to solve it, why don't I just: waggle/twist/tilt/turn the wii-mote? Boom. Puzzle solved. But, this is just a worry and hopefully we won't have to endure this.

4000 views!!!! Now we are winning!!

over 4000 page views!! very successful.
(Talk about celebrating every milestone possible)

a true win.

Just inputting something here, I don't think we should limit ourselves to just one Charlie that is winning. Like here for example:


101 posts

Yes here at the nintendo blog we celebrate every milestone possible, but unfortunately i didn't get the idea to see how many posts we had until now, which means that i was one post off. anyway woooo! 101 posts.

captain falcon's opinion on the mario bros. theme song

this is what captain falcon thinks about the mario bros. theme.
agaim this video is for entertainment purposes.

please enjoy

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pokemon on consoles.

One of the first games I bought for my gamecube back in the day was Pokemon Colosseum. I'd seen trailers and I was really looking forward to it. Playing it was very interesting. The first thing I really liked about it, was the way the Pokemon looked. Nintendo clearly wanted people to feel like the Pokemon were more than just blips on a game boy screen and so poured a lot of effort into the appearance of the Pokemon. They moved! They moved naturally, doing stuff like wagging their tails or other stuff ( Yawnma would zip about the stage) It was really cool and the Pokemon were to scale. In the Game Boy version, you could read the Pokemon's statistics and see their height and weight and Colosseum would translate that on screen. Wailord looked huge!. And any game that made the move Leer look cool, is pretty cool in my books. But the console version ditched the traditional style of the: Catch Pokemon, beat the gym leaders, battle everyone in sight and complete the Pokedex. I found that Colosseum was a more driven story about these things called Shadow Pokemon. I liked the idea a lot, but it wasn't pushed far enough. The only difference between the Shadow Pokemon and the regular was this move called Shadow Rush and this other thing called Hyper Mode. Colosseum's sequel Gale off Darkness perfected the Shadow Pokemon idea. Shadow Pokemon's shadow moves were super effective against every type but other shadow Pokemon and the new Reverse mode was much more flushed out than Colosseum's hyper mode. But, the main drawback to both games was that you couldn't catch wild Pokemon, only use the snag machine to steal other people's shadow Pokemon (which, oddly enough, no-one seemed to mind to much) In Gale of Darkness, you could catch a grand total of 9 wild Pokemon. Wow. That's probably why some people disliked the gamecube console versions. 

But these games were not the first Pokemon games on consoles. Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Stadium 2 for the N64 came first. For that era, the Pokemon looked beautiful and I guess that's what everyone wanted, to have the closest thing to real Pokemon they could find. But there wasn't much of a story mode, just a bunch of battles you could have with anyone. And this idea was also a bit flawed. Take a look: 

Anyway, if the trainer was smart, he would have sent out Nidoking to fight Electrode.(sorry for the abrupt ending)

See? It all looked a bit clunky and rough. But this idea would be perfected years later in Pokemon Battle Revolution. I understand that it didn't receive great critical reception, but it's not about story mode at all. It's about having a few friends over to connect their DS's to the Wii and watch as the Pokemon they trained turn into spectacular looking monoliths. Accompanied with commentary from the guy from the Pokemon Show. Everything felt like it should in that game and look, the moves actually land! No, I wouldn't buy Battle Revolution, but I would rent it if my friends were coming over and we wanted to have a giant Pokemon Battle!

Still, despite it all, I still prefer Pokemon on handhelds.