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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How do you play Pokemon?

Everyone has they're own style of how they become Pokemon Masters, so how do you do it? Everyone here at the Nintendo Blog will have to make a post in response to this.

I usually pick the water starter Pokemon, but not as a rule, and make sure he is the highest level of any Pokemon I have because the starter Pokemon have very high stats. I normally do water so I can teach him surf. I then catch the basic flying Pokemon (Pidgey, Starly, Taillow whatever) so he can learn fly. I will catch either one or two more Pokemon that balance out my starter and flying guy (I try to have a fire type and either a grass type, or electric type) I'll also catch some guys who I dump my HM's on so I don't have to give any of my better guys Rock Smash or Cut. I also catch the game's main legendary and the three that usually accompany it. But that's it. I find the less Pokemon you have, the better, because you then have to spread out you exp over each Pokemon. (It helps to get an exp share)

Example: I have, in my new game of fire red, gotten Blastoise, Pidgeot, Raichu, Meowth (as my HM) guy and Snorlax. I also have a Hitmonlee in Day Care.

That's how I do it, what about you?


  1. Just beat Bowser in Super Mario Galaxy. I was going to beat every other galaxy first, and I would have if not for the trial Galaxys. I hate them. All you do in them are the stupid motion control levels. They're not fun, and I refuse to do them...I'll probably just rope some suckers into doing them for me. Terfle, Doctor, when are we getting together next?

  2. I've done all three of the trial galaxies

  3. How come you are having so much trouble with them?

  4. I'm not having trouble with them, I just plain don't have any fun with them. I'd rather force you at gunpoint to do it for me.
