As a forewarning, if you have never played Super Smash Brothers Brawl then this will make no sense. You have been warned.
As told to by 4EVER, I am doing a smash bros character dissection. As the title suggests it is about Lucas, my favourite character in brawl. One of the reasons that I like Lucas so much, is that he, like Ike (I hate Ike) is not particularly well balanced. Nintendo does try to make all the characters quite equal, but Ike for example has far too good range and his attacks are just unfairly good, it basically defeats the purpose of making him slow. Lucas, on the other hand, is very powerful but he is still quite fast. Almost all of Lucas' B attacks are ranged letting you take the minimum risks but still achieve the maximum results. This would probably be the main reason I like him so much. He also has the rare power to heal himself, almost no one else in the game can do this.
The porky to Ness f

ace off is one of the coolest cutscenes in the game. I thought it was a little strange that they portrayed Lucas as such a scared timid character. I have been recently been playing Mother 3 and Lucas was definitely not being that timid. Yes that is a top hat that I photoshopped terribly onto Lucas' head, name one situation that isn't made better by a top hat. Anyway... Lucas seems to be an alternate v

ersion of Ness. They share several moves like PK thunder, PK fire, PSI magnet. Even their final smash PK starstorm is shared. There are big differences between them though, lucas' PK thunder can go straight through people and hurt them several times, while Ness' PK thunder can only hit people once but it does more damage than Lucas'. Which one you like more is subjective. It seems like not many people like using Lucas as he is difficult to get used to but once you have gotten the hang of PK thunder you can shoot your self in any direction you want at high speed making it easy to get back to the stage, this seems like an annoying and difficult technique to use but it is definitely worth while. So Lucas can not only attack people from a distance, but also close up and can even heal himself. These are all reasons why I prefer Lucas to many other characters.