You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ocarina of time 3D: It's Official.

we finnaly have a date for when the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time for 3DS will be coming out!!!
Since ocarina of time was, is and ever shall be one of the greatest games of all time, It will be interesting to see it in 3D!!
here is the announcement poster. If anyone has doubts about the release date then check the EB Games website.
release date: JUNE 2011

MA games for the Wii?

Nintendo doesn't go overboard with violence. You won't see many games with an MA rating on them in the shelves of the games store. Yet, there are a few exceptions. Some good, some not so good. The Nintendo Wii is meant to be a console which anyone can enjoy and that means kids as well, which is probably why you don't see super violent games for the Wii.

One MA game with coolness to boot was Dead Space Extraction. A fun arcade shooter which featured many Dead Space themes and settings from the PS3 and XBox 360 versions of the game. Extraction earned fairly strong critical success, but had very poor sales, setting a mere 9,200 unit in the first five days of its release in the U.S. 

A game sporting an MA tile that was not quite so much fun was No More Heroes 2. A stupid compilation of waggle and swearing. With a game like NMH2 on the shelves, is there a need for better MA games for the Wii?

No. Because the Wii doesn't need them.

Is Nostalgia the way to make games?

Let's face it, Nintendo sells with nostalgia. It's just how they do it. There have been loads of Zelda games as well as Mario. Each one however brings something new into the mix to keep it fresh. But recently, Nintendo have been even more reliant on the nostalgia: Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye Wii, Metroid Prime trilogy, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Lylat Wars 3D. Notice anything? These are almost all remakes of their original games. While DK and Goldeneye don't possess much of their originals gameplay, the Metroid and the 3DS titles are complete remakes. Is this how nintendo sell? Yes actually. People keep buying the games. Weather it is a new audience buying them, or veteran gamers, they keep buying them. But even so, take a look at something like Mario Kart Wii. Half of the tracks were classic ones. Why did people buy the game if it was just a trip down memory lane? Because it wasn't. The games sported new Karts, features, online multiplayer and new controls. 
Will Nintendo eventually lose the power to create new and interesting experiences? I doubt it. 

the quest for the shiny zekrom part 3: shocking development

A shocking Development in the Quest.
It turns out that it is impossible to get a shiny reshiram or zekrom in the nwe pokemon games.
However. that does not mean that the dream is over. there is still a chance that i can catch another legendary shiny. Just not Zekrom. sorry.
keep an eye out for my new shiny legendary quest: search for the shiny Kobalion

quest for the shiny Zekrom part 2: Doubt

hello everyone. as I type this, i'm trying to get a shiny Zekrom. the past 11 or so attempts have failed so please comment on whether or not i should keep trying or whether i should catch the normal zekrom and get a different shiny legendary
The Doctor

Well It's on Now!!!

I cannot take this lying down. Ladies and gentlemen, May I present LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY JEEEEEEEEENKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please note. this is not my final entry, it is just to epicly own youz

Challenge accepted

I see your metroid other m, and raise you ultimate spider-man:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The challenge

That's right Dr. NicK and 4EVER i challenge you, i throw down the gauntlet, i slap you across the face with a glove, all at the same time because i have a challenge. The challenge that you have to complete before next Friday, is that you must find the coolest image possible of one of your favorite video game characters. They don't strictly have to be Nintendo but any way you have to find the coolest image you can and then post it on the blog. I haven't already got one prepared because that would be cheating, i will find one just like the others. Any way the challenge has been thrown down will any one accept it? We will just have to wait and see. The image above is an example and, I wont be using it because as i said before that would be cheating.


WII 2!!!!!!!!!!

While searching up videos on Youtube, I came across something quite peculiar. a trailer for the Wii 2. I do Not know if it is real or not but I checked both the machinima nad the E3 youtube pages and they both have it.
This revives the question that 4Ever posted a while ago, "Does the Wii need a sequel??"

See for yourselves and comment on what you think.
The Doctor

Kingdom hearts dream drop distance

OK. I was on the internet the other day when i came across a trailer for a new kingdom hearts game coming out for 3DS.

It's called dream drop distance and if you want to see the trailer then search it up on Utube

sorry that I couldn't get a video.

here are some gameplay screenshots,


dr Nick

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

5th Gen pokemon bio: tepig

Okay, a few weeks ago, I got a copy of pokemon white. this pokemon game, like its predecessors has a choice of 3 pokemon that you can start with. these 3 pokemon tend to be fire, water and grass type. my first disection will be of the pokemon that I chose, tepig. Tepig is the new fire type starter pokemon and, surprisingly, is not the fastest of the three! its speed is only 45. when compared with snivy, the grass type starter, tepig is slower than a snail! however, tepig makes up for its lack of speed with a high HP and attack stat. HP-65 and Attack-63. once Tepig becomes an Emboar at level 36, its attack stat becomes its most powerful stat at 123! a good choice for trainers who like powerful pokemon who can take a hit and bounce back for the victory also, Emboar is quite useful in the later gyms as gyms no. 2, 3, and 7 use pokemon that are weak against it. I won't reveal what types they use exactly but I will provide a link to the site that I got the info on tepig from Tepig was my choice for a starter in black and white. post comments on what starter you would choose (or which one that you did) and why. Here is the link: Dr Nick

Super Smash Bros Brawl dissection: Mario

This Nintendo mascot seems to be able to do anything. From saving princess's by jumping on the many heads of turtles, to tennis playing, to kart racing, to golfing, to footballing, to playing basketball, to doctoring, to baseballing and he is even seen plumbing on some rare occasions. It's only natural Nintendo would use Mario in SSBB.

As you might expect, Mario is very good at jumping. His midair attacks pack quite a punch, he even has a meteor smash. In case you don't know what a meteor smash is, it's a move where the character attacks in the air and if it lands, the enemy shoots downwards very, very quickly. Overall, Mario is probably the best well rounded character in the game. Is is fast, quick and agile, although he doesn't shy away from the strength factor. His smash attacks do quite a large amount of damage to the opponent and his dash attacks, where he slides along the ground, is great for getting opponents up in the air, ready for your upward smash attack.

His special moves are quite distinct. His standard "B" is a tiny little fireball projectile attack which doesn't deal much damage or travel quickly. It is, however, extremely good for preventing charge attacks from being charged. If you use it in the air, the enemy is unable to attack for a few seconds. The fireball is more to off-balance your opponent rather than do great damage. His side "B" is a cape, which reflects projectiles. But its real use is to gain horizontal recovery. Up "B" is his recovery move: the ever annoying coin punch. His down "B" move is the only one that's changed since his debut in Super Smash Bros. From the Mario tornado, to the F.L.U.D.D. As seen in Super Mario Sunshine, it squirts water! This doesn't do any damage, but is instead a recovery move blocker. Picture this: You (Mario) are fighting Capt Falcon on the Lylat stage. He has been knocked off and the only way back onto the stage is by using his recovery move. But as he's doing it, you squirt, squirt like you've never squirted before! He is stopped in his tracks. His move used up, he falls to his death, you win the match and become world famous. Before the F.L.U.D.D. can be used, it must be charged. Use it when the time is right.
His final smash however, is terrible. He leaps back and unleashes his Mario Finale. It looks cool, but it is easily avoided and does little damage. Every now and then, it will push somebody off the stage, but it happens too rarely.

So let's hear it for the Plumber everybody!

Quest for the shiny Zekrom part 1. whats goin down

well my fellow nintendians, that is correct. instead of catching a regular Zekrom, Im going after a shiny one!!! This will mean that I may not beat the game for some time, but it will be worth it. every week when I'm able i'll give you all the lowdown of what went down.

Kingdom hearts on Wii???

OK Kingdom hearts has to be one of the greatest RPG games of all time. so far it has been on PS2, gameboy advance and the Nintendo DS. (note. PSP also has KH game: Birth by sleep)I believe that there is a strong possibility that Kingdom hearts will come out on the Wii. comment on what you think.

the image on the right is a wallpaper of the original Kingdom Hearts game.

Dr Nick

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The doctor is In!!!

The Doctor is finally in!!!!

that's right, dr nick has arrived and for my first post, I'd just like to say how awesome the new pokemon games are!

Black and white are based in the unova region and is the first pocket monster game to feature entirely new pokemon since RED AND BLUE!!!!!!!

above you can see the starring legendary of pokemon white, ZEKROM!!!!! in my copy of the game, i'm trying to get him shiny. i will post if i do

Super Smash Bros. Character Dissection: Lucas

As a forewarning, if you have never played Super Smash Brothers Brawl then this will make no sense. You have been warned.

As told to by 4EVER, I am doing a smash bros character dissection. As the title suggests it is about Lucas, my favourite character in brawl. One of the reasons that I like Lucas so much, is that he, like Ike (I hate Ike) is not particularly well balanced. Nintendo does try to make all the characters quite equal, but Ike for example has far too good range and his attacks are just unfairly good, it basically defeats the purpose of making him slow. Lucas, on the other hand, is very powerful but he is still quite fast. Almost all of Lucas' B attacks are ranged letting you take the minimum risks but still achieve the maximum results. This would probably be the main reason I like him so much. He also has the rare power to heal himself, almost no one else in the game can do this.

The porky to Ness face off is one of the coolest cutscenes in the game. I thought it was a little strange that they portrayed Lucas as such a scared timid character. I have been recently been playing Mother 3 and Lucas was definitely not being that timid. Yes that is a top hat that I photoshopped terribly onto Lucas' head, name one situation that isn't made better by a top hat. Anyway... Lucas seems to be an alternate version of Ness. They share several moves like PK thunder, PK fire, PSI magnet. Even their final smash PK starstorm is shared. There are big differences between them though, lucas' PK thunder can go straight through people and hurt them several times, while Ness' PK thunder can only hit people once but it does more damage than Lucas'. Which one you like more is subjective. It seems like not many people like using Lucas as he is difficult to get used to but once you have gotten the hang of PK thunder you can shoot your self in any direction you want at high speed making it easy to get back to the stage, this seems like an annoying and difficult technique to use but it is definitely worth while. So Lucas can not only attack people from a distance, but also close up and can even heal himself. These are all reasons why I prefer Lucas to many other characters.


Was motion gaming a good idea?

Way back in 2006 when the Wii was released, people were both excited and skeptical of the new motion controls. When it was released, people picked up the controllers and either loved, or hated them. Some hated the idea of waving arms around to perform simple controls which were assigned to buttons on the other systems. I didn't like them much either... at first. Wii Sports was cool, but it was not aimed at hardcore gamers. Then came the good ones:
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Goldeneye Wii
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Pikmin Remakes

And those are the games which (in my opinion) motion makes better. Who loved the motion in Twilight Princess? Or the new motion controls or mini-games in Mario Galaxy or Bros Wii? And don't forget the precise aiming in the first person shooters. But there are even more games that abused the motion simply because it was there. I hate those games. In fact, I think the fact that Nintendo's hook for the Wii was motion brought in a lot of terrible motion control abusers. WAGGLE!!

Motion gaming for me has its on's and off's. On one hand, the games listed above are so much better with motion than they could have ever been without. But there is a long list of terrible motion games. I think that when Nintendo makes more games, they should use motion only when required. Use it for FPS games, or for more games like the ones above, but be careful with how it is used in a control scheme.


Just watch and "Marvel" at the trailer for Spider-Man Edge of Time. (Note: This will be my last post about the Edge of Time until the release...or something super interesting pops up) Enjoy!