You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Proposition: COMMENTARIES!

Since 4ever has made a youtube channel for us, i was thinking that we should start making gameplay commentary. What do you guys think. and i dont mean just you, terfle and 4ever, i mean everyone who reads this blog. comment. tell us what you think.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wind Waker vs Twilight Princess

As you may have guessed, the topic for this month is Zelda, so here's a debate which can get some trash talking going. Skyward Sword's graphical style is a mixture of the whimsical cartoon, cell shaded theme of Wind Waker and the realistic, darker toned Twilight Princess, so let's take a look at the graphics. (I think Terfle should make another post about this, since he is probably the most knowledgable about Wind Waker)
The GameCube was not the strongest console on the block, so instead of opting for a realistic style of graphics, they went for a cartoony style, which many fans hated when they saw their first glance. Luckily, they were shut up when the actually played the game. It was kind of cool seeing Link as a kid again, only this time, with cat eyes. Even with the graphics, it was (and still is) gorgeous.
The Twilight Princess Graphics were much more focused on realism, trying to match the darker graphics to the darker story. However, while the graphics were still cool as anything, if you looked very closely, you could see that some of the attention to detail had been skipped over and that the textures weren't as smooth as they looked in the distance. Still, many believed that the Twilight Princess graphics were superior to that of Wind Waker's
The Gameplay for both of these games was very similar. Travelling around however, was done by boat in Wind Waker. This annoyed many a fan because it took forever to get anywhere. Twilight Princess had Link's trusty stead Epona as a means of transport that was much, much faster. As for the rest of the gameplay, it was very similar. You search about in dungeons, solving brilliant puzzles and finding new items. When you aren't doing that, you're searching about the overworld for heart containers and extra unlocks, playing minigames and shopping. For the more subtle differences, you will have to read Terfle's next post. 

(Psst. Terfle, that's your cue!)