"Help me!" cries Toad.Mario saves Toad. What? Why would an obsessive drugged up freak claiming to be an Italian plumber save that toad? Ah, of course. He's in if for the mushrooms. I told you he was obsessive. Finally, after killing all of Bower's beloved children, he comes face to face with Bowser himself. Bowser tries to defend himself. Peach calls out: "Mario!" She wants him to stop. Eventually, Mario does the unthinkable. He drop that poor innocent gigantic turtle...into lava! Peach is so distraught she doesn't even protest when Mario forcibly takes her back to the castle.
There are other like Mario too. His brother Luigi and his best friends Blue Toad and Yellow Toad. They are as bad, if not worse than Mario himself. They've all had crazy drugged up experiences as well, like the time Luigi got himself so stoned he thought he was in a mansion full of ghosts. Crazy. But their tales, are yet to be told...
Here we go!