You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mario's darkness

Mario is talking to princess peach. He never leaves her alone. He doesn't let anyone else even near her. So when her good friend Bowser sends his children to bring her a cake and invite her to his house, Mario flips. He can't even let her talk to her old friend Bowser. So he begins chasing them. There a turtles in the way. They are completely innocent and are just wandering in the wild. And yet, that fiend Mario can't even stand anything that looks like Bowser, so he crushes his skull by jumping on it. What a brutal way to die. But Mario doesn't care. He just keeps jumping, because all he wants to do is have Peach all to himself. Peach is glad to be away from him, but Mario could never let her be happy. There's a reason Peach hates Mario so much. He does drugs. Tonnes of them. He can't even get by a level without taking magic mushrooms. He also take the drug nicknamed "flower" Why Mario? Why? He is so angry that he breaks into Bower's child's house...and murders him by jumping on his head. He claims it was self defense. But so what if that turtle was attacking him? He had trespassed on his property, the turtle had every right to attack Mario. 
"Help me!" cries Toad.Mario saves Toad. What? Why would an obsessive drugged up freak claiming to be an Italian plumber save that toad? Ah, of course. He's in if for the mushrooms. I told you he was obsessive. Finally, after killing all of Bower's beloved children, he comes face to face with Bowser himself. Bowser tries to defend himself. Peach calls out: "Mario!" She wants him to stop. Eventually, Mario does the unthinkable. He drop that poor innocent gigantic turtle...into lava! Peach is so distraught she doesn't even protest when Mario forcibly takes her back to the castle. 

There are other like Mario too. His brother Luigi and his best friends Blue Toad and Yellow Toad. They are as bad, if not worse than Mario himself. They've all had crazy drugged up experiences as well, like the time Luigi got himself so stoned he thought he was in a mansion full of ghosts. Crazy. But their tales, are yet to be told...

Here we go!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Super imagination

How many generations of Pokemon have there been? Five? With over 500 different Pokemon. I often wonder how long it will take for the guys behind the little pocketmonsters to run out of ideas. I mean, doesn't everybody's imagination grow stale after a long time? Don't the things we love begin to run out of new and interesting things. How much longer with creatures as cool as this run around the gaming world? If you don't believe me about things growing stale, see the recent episodes of the Simpsons.LOL.

Animal Crossing

A game series that is seriously underrated is that of Animal Crossing. There's a reason for that. Basically, the game is about you leaving your old city life behind and going to live out in a small country town populated by humanoid animals. Does this sound exciting? Not particularly, but here me out. The game has personality, and while it may not be among the ranks of games like Mario, it's still very fun to pick up and play. 

If you are a super hardcore gamer, then you probably won't find much to enjoy about Animal Crossing, but if you are willing to take the time to play it, you will find its depth. There is nothing you have to do, but at the same time, you can o anything. There are loads of fish to catch, bugs to collect. Fossils for excavating, paintings to buy off Crazy Redd's black market... I mean store, all to fill up the museum that the owl Blathers is running. Not into work? There is much fun to be had talking to the residents and listening to what they have to say. Sometimes they will ask you to get something for them. If you choose to, then they will reward you with items. If you still don't like that, you may just be rewarded by talking to the Animals about anything. These rewards tend to be house decorations. This is probably one of my main attractions from the game. There are so many cool things to decorate your house with it's uncanny. You can pay your landlord and shop owner Tom Nook to increase the size of your house to decorate it even more. But, it is more than a little pricey. There a tonnes to little secrets like secret characters, to items, to getting something cool over wi-fi. It's not Ocarina of time, far from it, but Animal Crossing is a fun game.

5th gen pokemon Bio: thundurus

Haven't posted anything in a while so bear with me please
Thundurus is pokemon white's "roaming" legendary pokemon, that is, whenever you encounter it in the wild, it will run away unless you use mean look/block or have a pokemon with shadow tag/area trap. It is an electric and flying type which is, quite frankly a dangerous combination as it has few weaknesses (ice and Rock type moves).
It's priority stat is its Sp attack which stands at 125, which is understandable. I mean, many powerful electric type moves are special attackis e.g: thunder, shockwave, discarge.
along with tornadus (the roaming legendary in pokemon black), thundurus has the ability, prankster, which allows it to move first if it is not attacking.
Locating thundurus and tornadus is different in black and white to the method that many would have used in 4th gen games to capture the roaming legendaries. their location is revealed by abmormal weather patters. this is similar to catching groudon and Kyogre in emerald as their location was revealed by abnormal weather patterns as well.
also, similar to the kyogre and groudon of heart gold and soul silver, if thundurus and tornadus are brought to the abundant shrine, a legendary pokemon will appear.
watch out for the next bio as that is when I will reveall this ledendary pokemon's name.
Oh, and to Terfle and 4ever, if you know what the name of this legendary pokemon is, do not reveall it in the comments.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why I prefer the Xbox 360 and PS3 under the other 7th gen console

Because every game just looks like this:

Notice any similarities?There aren't many other game other than FPS that I notice other than Infamous, Batman, Marvel vs Capcom that I really see on the two systems.

Why I prefer the Wii over the other 7th gen consoles

One simple reason. The variety. With the Wii, there are so many different types of games it has to offer. If you like platforming (which I do) Its got your fix in the 2D realms like New Super Mario Bros Wii and Donkey Kong Country Returns and in the 3D realms like Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2. The cool thing about all these games is that they aren't finished after an hour or two of playing. These games take you a while to finish if you are a person who like to finish a game completely (which I am) You can take ages trying to capture those elusive star coins in Bros Wii or getting all 242 stars in Galaxy 2. Not a fan of platforming? Fine, take my most played fighting game ever in SSBB. The replay value in that game is limitless. I could spend hours fighting the CPU or going online or doing boss battles or multi-man-brawl or Subspace or flicking through photos and videos or...well, you get the idea. Not a fan of violence? Try Mario Kart or the numerous sport and party games the system has (the good ones, there are some really terrible ones out there) Puzzle/ platforming/ action? You can't go further than The Legend of Zelda. You can get the 2D ones from the shop channel as well as Ocarina and Majora's Mask. The disk ones come in the form of Twilight Princess and the soon to be released Skyward Sword. Hungry for killing people in the first person perspective with murderous weapons? The Metroid Prime Trilogy and Goldeneye Wii are both great options. You could even go for Call of Duty if you wanted to, which brings me to my next post...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Creative Drought

I can't think of anything to say, that is right i am in the middle of a creative drought, and it's really frustrating. Of course since I've got very little to say, this post shall be relatively short. I found a cool video on the internets. (If you ever wanted to see Kirby, Sonic and Diddy Kong all in a race, look at the Vid. That's right, I have the absolute power to ruin your posts Terfle) From 4EVER
