Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!
While they didn't release all that many games this year, Nintendo had a great few games which came out. Here are the nominees for the best Nintendo game of 2011:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Super Mario 3D Land
Lylat Wars 3D
Mario Kart 7
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Which one deserves to win GOTY? Tell us in the comments.
To be honest, I've never been a huge Mario Kart fan. Sure, I've enjoyed it every time I've played it, but I only own Mario Kart DS. So far, my favourite one it Mario Kart Wii. I liked the graphics a lot and had a lot more fun than with the DS. With Mario Kart 7 for 3DS, I am actually pretty interested . For one, there are a few new features. You can glide at certain points, transforming part of your kart into a hang glider and you can go underwater. As always, there are 16 new tracks and 16 old ones, totalling at 32. The roster however, is a bit smaller than Mario Kart Wii going from about 25 to 17. But the biggest differences to this game are the options to customize the Karts and the ability to drive in 1st person. This a wealth of new features, all of which make the game more tempting. However, the reasons for me not being a huge fan of Mario Kart do pop up whenever I reach for my wallet. I don't know why, but I dislike the feature to be able to give any character any Kart after completing enough of the game. It just eliminates a section of choice. For instance, I liked the start of Mario Kart DS when I was deciding which character to use, but as the game progressed, I could put whoever I wanted in whichever Kart. That just made the game a little dull for me. But Mario Kart 7 has another claim to it which makes me consider. People are saying it's got the best online multiplayer of ANY Nintendo game. Now, if you are a nintendo fan, you will have had to grimace at the generally poor online functions of their consoles. So, what do you think of Mario Kart 7?
So I beat ganondorf in ocarina yesterday. Woot.while playing, i noticed something. Sheiks harp.then i went to see the skyward sword trailer.Zelda in skyward sword has a harp. THE SAME HARP AS SHEIKS!!!!!!!mere coincidence? I think not.