compare the two after listening to them both.
You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!
Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
the doctor's top 5 nintendo soundtracks #0
ah, fooled you didn't I. wind waker may be number 1, but number 0, it is not.
an number zero, yet another zelda game. this time, however, it is the critically acclaimed greatest game of all time. ladies, gentlemen, nintendians, I give you, OCARINA OF TIME!
weegee follows anyone, anywhere...
an number zero, yet another zelda game. this time, however, it is the critically acclaimed greatest game of all time. ladies, gentlemen, nintendians, I give you, OCARINA OF TIME!
weegee follows anyone, anywhere...
I win!
Just beat boss battles in Brawl on very hard. I never actually tried to do it until now. Intense coming right up!
Friday, July 15, 2011
SSBB character dissection: Ivysaur

Ah yes, ivysaur, the original grass starter and one of the three characters you play as when you select pokemon trainer in brawl. To begin with, Ivysaur's strengths lie in its vertical attack as most of its offensive techniques are fired from the flower on its back.
these attacks are: b-bullet seed. a fast firing vertical attack that can be a real nuisance to your opponents. ->B: razor leaf- this attack is like bullet seeed but horizontal and slow firing. semi auto to be infact.
up b- vine whip. this move works as a recovery attack as well as a regular attack. in terms of damage, the power is low, but it can be a real life saver at times.
ivysaur's contribution to the triple finish is solarbeam. one of the most powerful grass type attacks in any pokemon game. now we wait for terfle to disect squirtle
Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Dissection: Pokemon Trainer/ Charizard
The Pokemon Trainer arrived to Brawl with the fully evolved form the fire fire type starter from the original Pokemon game: The all powerful Charizard. The heaviest of the Pokemon Trainer's roster, this Pokemon possess great strength and power in even his standard attacks. He's so powerful that he can go toe to toe with heavyweights like Bowser and Ganondorf. Luckily, Charizard is equipped with great wings, meaning although he is very powerful, he is not slouch in the sky. His ariel attacks are fairly strong, but mainly the wings help him recover. He has a maximum of three jumps, any of which can be turned into a glide by holding down the jump button. The glide is very nifty and helps him gain some horizontal distance. Charizard's smash attacks are very powerful, but his side smash is probably his best.
His side "B" attack mirror's Bower's flame breath. You hold down the button and he releases a short ranged gush of fire which gets weaker the longer you hold down the button. It's good for players who like to get up close and personal and of you keep it up, they will let go of the item they ate carrying.
His side "B" is devastating "Rock Smash" While it may suck in the Pokemon games, in Brawl it reigns supreme. Hit the move too far away from your opponent and you won't do a huge amount of damage, but hit up very close and they will go flying.
Up "B" is the move fly. It is his recovery move that's can do decent damage to opponents.
That's Charizard for you. The other bloggers shall dissect the other Pokemon.
His side "B" attack mirror's Bower's flame breath. You hold down the button and he releases a short ranged gush of fire which gets weaker the longer you hold down the button. It's good for players who like to get up close and personal and of you keep it up, they will let go of the item they ate carrying.
His side "B" is devastating "Rock Smash" While it may suck in the Pokemon games, in Brawl it reigns supreme. Hit the move too far away from your opponent and you won't do a huge amount of damage, but hit up very close and they will go flying.
Up "B" is the move fly. It is his recovery move that's can do decent damage to opponents.
That's Charizard for you. The other bloggers shall dissect the other Pokemon.
Who is the most epic nintendo character?
we need to know, terfle, 4ever,our new quest is to find a picture of a nintendo character that portrays them as epicly as possible. here is an example of link. (note that link can still be used for your epic character. the c
haracter must be from nintendo and the image doe not have to be a screenshot.)

Thursday, July 14, 2011
well,I'm out of chuck norris and charlie sheen jokes, so how about Mr T?
How to get Biggoron's Sword:
By far the hardest sword to obtain in the game, but indeed the most powerful, Biggoron's sword's fetch quest is the most frustrating thing I have ever done in a Zelda game. Here is a guide to make sure you don't suffer the same agony as I do:
- Make sure you are Adult Link, make sure you have thawed King Zora in Zora's domain, and make sure you have Epona. It's also recommended that you familiarize yourself with your territory as well. Go to Kakariko Village when you're ready. It's also suggested that you have the Sun's Song, as you will have to wait three days at a certain point.
- 2Go talk to the Cucco Lady. She will give you a Pocket Egg. Play the Sun's Song, or wait one day. You will have a Pocket Cucco.
- 3Take the Pocket Cucco, and find the house in Kakariko Village where Talon is sleeping. Use the Pocket Cucco to wake him up. Bring the Pocket Cucco back to the Cucco Lady. She will be happy and she'll give you her brother's Cucco, Cojiro, which she requests to have delivered to him.
- 4Go into the Lost Woods, and from the entrance, turn left.(This is the room where you sell the Skull Mask to the Skull Kid as Child Link.) You'll see a strange-looking blue man sitting against the stump where the Skull Kid was. Give Cojiro to him, he'll be happy, and he'll give an Odd Mushroom to you, and tell you to deliver it to the potion hag in Kakariko Village. Now, the mushroom will spoil, so you're given three minutes to rush to Kakariko Village. The hag is behind the normal potion shop.
- 5Give the Odd Mushroom to the hag, and she'll make you an Odd Potion. Take it back to the Lost Woods, no hurry, you're not timed. When you reach the place where the man was, you'll find instead, a small Kokiri girl who says the Odd Potion is made out of forest mushrooms, and demands you to give it back. She gives you a Poacher's Saw in return.
- 6Head to Gerudo Valley. The bridge is down. No problem. Either Longshot across, or, if you don't have that, use Epona to jump across. Go into the carpenters' tent, and talk to the boss. He excitedly takes the Poacher's Saw and gives you a Broken Goron's Sword in return.
- 7Use the Bolero of fire and go to the top of death mountain, go to the right side of the cliff. A giant goron(Biggoron) should greet you, but he's rubbing his eyes in pain. After talking to you, he says he'll fix the Broken Goron's Sword, but only if you get him eyedrops in return. He hands you an Eyedrop Prescription.
- 8Go to Zora's Domain and present the Eyedrop Prescription to King Zora. He says he doesn't have the eyedrops, but he does have the ingredients. He gives you an Eyeball Frog. You need to get to Lake Hylia to give the Eyeball Frog to the lakeside scientist. And hurry, because you have three minutes before the stuff spoils.DON'T use serenade of water! That will cause the Eyeball Frog to spoil.
- 9Once at the Lakeside Laboratory, give the scientist the Eyeball Frog. He's excited at first because he thinks he gets to eat the frog, but he becomes discouraged as he makes the eye drops for you. He gives you Biggoron's Eyedrops, and they spoil in four minutes, so you need to get yourself from Lake Hylia to the top of Death Mountain. Quickly. DON'T use Bolero of fire! It will cause the eye drops to spoil. If you go through Darunia's room in Goron City time will stop as you pass through the crater and you can pop out at the big goron.
- 10Once you give the eyedrops to Biggoron, his mood greatly improves, and he promises to make you a sword in three days. He gives you a Claim Check, and you can either wait three days, or play the Sun's Song six times.
the doctors top 5 nintendo soundtracks #1
Finally, at number 1, we have music from another zelda game. Wind waker to be exact. I may never have played this game and chances are, I never will. but I don't really care because this music from the credits is just AMAZING
the doctor's top 5 nintendo soundtracks #2
At number 2, we have legend of zelda spirit tracks.
in particular, the final battle theme. nothing gets you more excited to defeat a boss than epic music such as this.
in particular, the final battle theme. nothing gets you more excited to defeat a boss than epic music such as this.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
the doctor's top 5 nintendo soundtracks: #3
#3: pokemon mystery dungeon 2: explorers of time and darkness
have you finished this game yet?, if you have, then you'll know why I put this up
have you finished this game yet?, if you have, then you'll know why I put this up
the doctor's top 5 nintendo soundtracks: #4
at number 4: kingdom hearts days
this game has absolutely epic music and, If the top[ 3 didn't exist, it would be my number 1.
this game has absolutely epic music and, If the top[ 3 didn't exist, it would be my number 1.
the doctor's top 5 nintendo soundtracks: #5
4ever did one of these a while ago, and since I maintain that the gaming experience is extended by the music, here is my top 5 list.
#5: new super mario bros. the mushroom waltz
this is my favourite music in the game and it gets me really excited for the level ahead
#5: new super mario bros. the mushroom waltz
this is my favourite music in the game and it gets me really excited for the level ahead
Metroid: Other M
I've just finished playing through the game and I must say that I don't see why it deserves so much hate. It's a great game! But, it is not without it's faults of course.
First off, I must say that the graphics are spectacular, especially for Wii. The CGI cutscenes are a treat and even the standard environments are cool to look at. Samus as a character also looks great, much sleeker than in most other Metroid games. As neat as the graphics are, the story matches up pretty well. Basically, Samus receives a distress signal from a ship. Upon going and investigating, she runs into her old Galactic federation team and they team up to find out just what's going on. I'm not going to say anymore for fear of spoilers but the story is very deep and thought out, with a lot of fantastic symbolism in the cutscenes. But, the story can be a little heavy handed at times and can just be a bit too dramatic. There is also a plothole which I thought that the devs were going to explore, but instead they just dropped it, which makes me sad. Personally, while I do like the story, I can see why other people hate it. At the beginning and end, there is an amazingly long cutscene which takes a very long time to watch. This might tick off some people. Luckily, the rest of the cutscenes will take a lot less. I've hear complaints that Samus' voice is very monotone. It is, but I like her voice acting. In emotional parts, her actor is very emotive, but otherwise she will speak in a slow, calm yet sad voice. I like this voice and I think it suits her because Samus has had a very hard life and she doesn't have any reason to be happy of excited.
But the real meat of Other M is the gameplay. Simple. Press 2 to jump and 1 to fine. D-pad moves you and a turns you into morph ball. But there are a lot of interesting add-ons which are very cool. You have a last second dodge move which, with timing, can make you dodge out of the way of most attacks, charging your laser, dropping bombs and going into first person. This feature was inspired by the Prime games and although it can feel a little clunky changing perspectives, it's done pretty well. In FP you can scan objects and fire missiles. She cannot move in this mode though, so it feels a bit weird. When running around in third person there will be some platforming sections and some puzzles as well to go along with baddie blasting. Fighting has some cool tweaks. As I mentioned, you can dodge by using sense move, but there are also two melee attacks which you can perform. When enemies drop their guard, if you are fully charged, you can jump on them and fire a blast at point blank range doing massive damage. There is also a fatal move. When enemies are lying on the ground, weakened, f you run to them while holding 1 you can perform a move which kills them instantly. There will be sections where all you have to do is run and spam 1 to get past a corridor with weak enemies, but these are few. Mostly, you will be in a large room with tough enemies and have to fight your way out. The boss fights are numerous and fun. They all have at least a few techniques to beating them, but most will involve you using a combo of missiles and charged shots. They are also radically different too, so you rarely feel like you'd done it before.
Metroid: Other M is a game which has a lot of hate which it doesn't deserve in my opinion. I know that not everyone will like this game, but I know people who will. It's fun, fast and at times freaky. The story telling can be a little heavy handed, but it's well thought and polished. The action is pretty intense and I had a lot of fun with the boss fights.
First off, I must say that the graphics are spectacular, especially for Wii. The CGI cutscenes are a treat and even the standard environments are cool to look at. Samus as a character also looks great, much sleeker than in most other Metroid games. As neat as the graphics are, the story matches up pretty well. Basically, Samus receives a distress signal from a ship. Upon going and investigating, she runs into her old Galactic federation team and they team up to find out just what's going on. I'm not going to say anymore for fear of spoilers but the story is very deep and thought out, with a lot of fantastic symbolism in the cutscenes. But, the story can be a little heavy handed at times and can just be a bit too dramatic. There is also a plothole which I thought that the devs were going to explore, but instead they just dropped it, which makes me sad. Personally, while I do like the story, I can see why other people hate it. At the beginning and end, there is an amazingly long cutscene which takes a very long time to watch. This might tick off some people. Luckily, the rest of the cutscenes will take a lot less. I've hear complaints that Samus' voice is very monotone. It is, but I like her voice acting. In emotional parts, her actor is very emotive, but otherwise she will speak in a slow, calm yet sad voice. I like this voice and I think it suits her because Samus has had a very hard life and she doesn't have any reason to be happy of excited.
But the real meat of Other M is the gameplay. Simple. Press 2 to jump and 1 to fine. D-pad moves you and a turns you into morph ball. But there are a lot of interesting add-ons which are very cool. You have a last second dodge move which, with timing, can make you dodge out of the way of most attacks, charging your laser, dropping bombs and going into first person. This feature was inspired by the Prime games and although it can feel a little clunky changing perspectives, it's done pretty well. In FP you can scan objects and fire missiles. She cannot move in this mode though, so it feels a bit weird. When running around in third person there will be some platforming sections and some puzzles as well to go along with baddie blasting. Fighting has some cool tweaks. As I mentioned, you can dodge by using sense move, but there are also two melee attacks which you can perform. When enemies drop their guard, if you are fully charged, you can jump on them and fire a blast at point blank range doing massive damage. There is also a fatal move. When enemies are lying on the ground, weakened, f you run to them while holding 1 you can perform a move which kills them instantly. There will be sections where all you have to do is run and spam 1 to get past a corridor with weak enemies, but these are few. Mostly, you will be in a large room with tough enemies and have to fight your way out. The boss fights are numerous and fun. They all have at least a few techniques to beating them, but most will involve you using a combo of missiles and charged shots. They are also radically different too, so you rarely feel like you'd done it before.
Metroid: Other M is a game which has a lot of hate which it doesn't deserve in my opinion. I know that not everyone will like this game, but I know people who will. It's fun, fast and at times freaky. The story telling can be a little heavy handed, but it's well thought and polished. The action is pretty intense and I had a lot of fun with the boss fights.
Link, a musician?
has anyone ever noticed that, scince OOT, link has been somewhat of a musician? he plays the ocarina in oot and majora's mask, he conducts in windwaker, he plays the panpipes in spirit tracks and he plays the grass whistle in twighlight princess! if we put all the links together from throughout the ages, you could have an entire orchestra.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 a site for all of your legend of zelda woes
ever been stuck on an annoying temple in any legend of zelda game? go to it contains many walktrhoughs and whatnot.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Kid Icarus 3DS
I've never played a Kid Icarus game, so hopefully it turns out to be pretty good:
(God I hate Pits voice...)
(God I hate Pits voice...)
WEEGEE'S Mansion 3DS
I loved the first Luigi's mansion game and I hope the sequel is just as good, hopefully better:
Mario Kart 3DS
Of course, with each new Nintendo Console comes a new Mario Kart and here's the newest edition for the 3DS. Looks cool. I like the kart customisation and some new themes like gliders and underwater driving:
Super Mario 3DS
A new Super Mario is coming to the 3DS. From what I can see, the level's look as crazy and fun as ever. What do you think?:
well, another 1000 views....
I,ve run out of Charlie sheen jokes so here is some chuck norris
I,ve run out of Charlie sheen jokes so here is some chuck norris
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