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Friday, July 15, 2011

Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Dissection: Pokemon Trainer/ Charizard

The Pokemon Trainer arrived to Brawl with the fully evolved form the fire fire type starter from the original Pokemon game: The all powerful Charizard. The heaviest of the Pokemon Trainer's roster, this Pokemon possess great strength and power in even his standard attacks. He's so powerful that he can go toe to toe with heavyweights like Bowser and Ganondorf. Luckily, Charizard is equipped with great wings, meaning although he is very powerful, he is not slouch in the sky. His ariel attacks are fairly strong, but mainly the wings help him recover. He has a maximum of three jumps, any of which can be turned into a glide by holding down the jump button. The glide is very nifty and helps him gain some horizontal distance. Charizard's smash attacks are very powerful, but his side smash is probably his best.

His side "B" attack mirror's Bower's flame breath. You hold down the button and he releases a short ranged gush of fire which gets weaker the longer you hold down the button. It's good for players who like to get up close and personal and of you keep it up, they will let go of the item they ate carrying. 

His side "B" is devastating "Rock Smash" While it may suck in the Pokemon games, in Brawl it reigns supreme. Hit the move too far away from your opponent and you won't do a huge amount of damage, but hit up very close and they will go flying. 

Up "B" is the move fly. It is his recovery move that's can do decent damage to opponents. 
That's Charizard for you. The other bloggers shall dissect the other Pokemon.

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