You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

SSBB Character dissection: the legendary Captain Falcon!!

Ah yes. captain falcon. What kind of blogg that was about nintendo, not talk about him? recently he has become my go to character in brawl. he takes some getting used to but once you learn to controll him, he can tear people to shreds. Captain falcon's "B" smash is the famous "FALCON PUNCH!!!" where he basically unleashes a punch that can send your enemy flying if they are not careful. Secondly, his side "B" attack. the captain charges at his opponent at dangerously high speeds. if he makes contact, he will knock them into the air with a powerful uppercut attack. the capatain's down smash is his falcon kick. it works in 2 ways. 1: when you are on the ground, C.F. will launch himself at his enemy with a powerful sweeping kick. 2: when in the air, C.F. uses the falcon kick to drop down from the sky quickly, damaging anything that gets in his way. last of the captains attacks is his upm smash. he launches himself into the air as a recovery move should. BUT, if he makes contact with anything while performing this stunt, he will gtrapple them, smash them out of the way and shout at the top of his lungs, "YESZ!" (this is my favourite of his attacks.) last but not least is C.F.'s final smash, blue falcon. He calls the blue falcon and, if it hits, it instantly knocks enemies off the stage. however, the attacks drawback is tis accuacy. all an opponent has to do to doge this attack is to jump over captain falcon before he uses it and they will be safe. Captain falcon is one of my favourite brawl characters. What are yours??

Friday, May 20, 2011

Everything we know about Skyward Sword.

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword will be the 16th instalment in the Legend of Zelda Series that has been around for about that many years, possibly more. But so far, we've only seen and heard very little. Basically, this game is a prequel to Ocarina of Time. It features the oldest Link seen in a Zelda game so far and this incarnation lives in the village of Skyloft above the clouds. We know he is then guided by the Skyward Sword (what will eventually become the mater sword) to the monster ridden Hyrule below. He is supposed to save it from whatever evil is plaguing it. 
The game will use the Wii Motion Plus for Sword play and for use of other items as well like the bow and slingshot. Here are the trailers. 

Is it just me, but does the second trailer's music played backwards sound...familiar?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


as we all know, captain falcon is known for his iconic falcon punch attack. well, here it is at it's best

please note, this is for your entertainment so enjoy it.
and remember to "show me yaw moves!!'

Just for you dr.nick

While roaming the internets for 5th cell images i found this, actually i found a post on somebodies blog website. One of the artists working for 5th cell drew several street fighter characters and also some from final fantasy. I just thought that teh doctor might like to see this.


don't do it 5th cell

5th cell, easily one of my favorite game developer teams, making games so good, I got several of them with out even finding out much about them, because they were 5th cell. It is an undeniable fact that 5th cell have an impressive track record. They are one of those few awesome game studios that make epic games for nintendo consoles, but is this about to change?

Quite a long time ago 5th cell announced their latest project, a game called hybrid. This game is sold on xbox live, and nowhere else. What I fear will happen is that 5th cell will move away from nintendo and we will lose yet another awesome dev team. Hybrid will be good i am sure of it, but what could this mean for the future of 5th cell?

5th cell history lesson time, 5th cell started making mobile games way back, and being as talented as they were lead them to a lot of success. 5th cell started expanding rapidly and the people in charge were still young and not as experienced as some. This eventually led to them in a way collapsing in on themselves. Things went badly and eventually 5th cell of tiday rose from the ruble of what was the old one. They now had dramatically reduced staff, and not a great deal of money. After making innovative games like drawn to life and lock's quest they did then get back a lot of what they lost, but 5th cell creative director Jeremiah Slackza still doesn't want to grow much, he says that growth for the point of growth is a bad thing. I guess he of all people would know.

5th cell make innovative games, they always give the player an element of control, that is probably what makes their game so much fun. Their newest project hybrid is a 3rd person shooter, which could be the entire reason that they have moved away from nintendo, but their is a strong chance that bad things could happen. I'm not saying i want them to stop making hybrid, i just worry what the effect could be.

Side note: Ages ago i posted a 'secret comment' being the foresighted person i am clearly not, i hid it well, too well apparently as i can not remember where it is, if any finds it please tell me. I literally forgot where it was... its depressing.

Monday, May 16, 2011

4EVER's experience with the Wii.

Hi's there, 4EVER here, long time Nintendo fan, 3 year Wii owner. The Wii has had an interesting life on the shelves wouldn't you agree? But I understand that a lot of people (namely those PS3 and 360 owners who constantly rave on about how terrible the system is) don't think that the console is worth it. At first, I too was skeptical about the "wave your arms around to play" idea, which may have contributed to the hater's rants, but once you see past the motion control, you will find some great games for the Wii that utilize the motion, or don't. I honestly think that Super Smash Bros Brawl is the best fighting game of all time. I know that some don't actually consider it a fighting game because of its different fighting conventions (no combos, items, backgrounds are actually a part of the battle and damage going up as opposed to health going down) but I just think it is a better game than something like Marvel vs Capcom. Platformers like New Super Mario Bros Wii are pretty fantastic and have loads of replay value and Mario Kart is the same in many respects. And The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess? Words fail to fully describe how much fun I had with it. I understand that most people prefer to have something like a 360 controller in their hand when playing an FPS like GoldenEye, as did I at first, but then I buckled down and said "Look, there may be a chance for the Wii-Mote yet" and there was. After a level of practice, I became adept with shooting with the Wii remote.

But while the previous paragraph is mainly positive, there are also things about the console I hate to say it, but it is completely true. The graphics just plain aren't good enough in comparison to its competitors and the shovelware on the system is enormous. And when there is a game getting release for all systems, there is often a "Wii" version for it, made by some Dev who puts a half assed effort into making a game they know won't be good. And some games make terrible use of the motion control the Wii offers. With the Wii's successor set for April 2012, things could change. No, I don't think the Wii will be remembered as Nintendo's best console, but I loved it despite the flaws. And others can to, they just have to shovel away the shovelware and find glorious Golden Games.

OVER 3000!


Thanks guys! We's love you all!