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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Monday, May 16, 2011

4EVER's experience with the Wii.

Hi's there, 4EVER here, long time Nintendo fan, 3 year Wii owner. The Wii has had an interesting life on the shelves wouldn't you agree? But I understand that a lot of people (namely those PS3 and 360 owners who constantly rave on about how terrible the system is) don't think that the console is worth it. At first, I too was skeptical about the "wave your arms around to play" idea, which may have contributed to the hater's rants, but once you see past the motion control, you will find some great games for the Wii that utilize the motion, or don't. I honestly think that Super Smash Bros Brawl is the best fighting game of all time. I know that some don't actually consider it a fighting game because of its different fighting conventions (no combos, items, backgrounds are actually a part of the battle and damage going up as opposed to health going down) but I just think it is a better game than something like Marvel vs Capcom. Platformers like New Super Mario Bros Wii are pretty fantastic and have loads of replay value and Mario Kart is the same in many respects. And The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess? Words fail to fully describe how much fun I had with it. I understand that most people prefer to have something like a 360 controller in their hand when playing an FPS like GoldenEye, as did I at first, but then I buckled down and said "Look, there may be a chance for the Wii-Mote yet" and there was. After a level of practice, I became adept with shooting with the Wii remote.

But while the previous paragraph is mainly positive, there are also things about the console I hate to say it, but it is completely true. The graphics just plain aren't good enough in comparison to its competitors and the shovelware on the system is enormous. And when there is a game getting release for all systems, there is often a "Wii" version for it, made by some Dev who puts a half assed effort into making a game they know won't be good. And some games make terrible use of the motion control the Wii offers. With the Wii's successor set for April 2012, things could change. No, I don't think the Wii will be remembered as Nintendo's best console, but I loved it despite the flaws. And others can to, they just have to shovel away the shovelware and find glorious Golden Games.


  1. The wii's successor really needs to be something else to survive the sequels to the ps3 and xbox 360

  2. I really hope the the whole 'wii version of things' doesn't happen again.

  3. it won't. besides, what could be better than a HD wii console???
