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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

don't do it 5th cell

5th cell, easily one of my favorite game developer teams, making games so good, I got several of them with out even finding out much about them, because they were 5th cell. It is an undeniable fact that 5th cell have an impressive track record. They are one of those few awesome game studios that make epic games for nintendo consoles, but is this about to change?

Quite a long time ago 5th cell announced their latest project, a game called hybrid. This game is sold on xbox live, and nowhere else. What I fear will happen is that 5th cell will move away from nintendo and we will lose yet another awesome dev team. Hybrid will be good i am sure of it, but what could this mean for the future of 5th cell?

5th cell history lesson time, 5th cell started making mobile games way back, and being as talented as they were lead them to a lot of success. 5th cell started expanding rapidly and the people in charge were still young and not as experienced as some. This eventually led to them in a way collapsing in on themselves. Things went badly and eventually 5th cell of tiday rose from the ruble of what was the old one. They now had dramatically reduced staff, and not a great deal of money. After making innovative games like drawn to life and lock's quest they did then get back a lot of what they lost, but 5th cell creative director Jeremiah Slackza still doesn't want to grow much, he says that growth for the point of growth is a bad thing. I guess he of all people would know.

5th cell make innovative games, they always give the player an element of control, that is probably what makes their game so much fun. Their newest project hybrid is a 3rd person shooter, which could be the entire reason that they have moved away from nintendo, but their is a strong chance that bad things could happen. I'm not saying i want them to stop making hybrid, i just worry what the effect could be.

Side note: Ages ago i posted a 'secret comment' being the foresighted person i am clearly not, i hid it well, too well apparently as i can not remember where it is, if any finds it please tell me. I literally forgot where it was... its depressing.

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