You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Today is the docs birthday for all who don't know and we should definitely wish him happy birthday because unlike me he actually posts on the blog. Happy birthday, here's a picture and a cake with a dinosaur on it. Everybody likes dinosaurs and cakes, so why not both?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Skyward Sword Impressions.

This is a quicky. I havne't dived deep enough into the game to fully bring an accurate reflection of the game, but so far, it's been weird. The Wii Motion Plus makes the combat feel really odd. Not in a bad way, but it's just strange seeing what you do translate on screen. But on the map, the pointer lags like hell, but I think that was a design choice. Whatever, I need to play more to fully understand it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

2D vs 3D Mario

Pretty much all of the Mario games have been great. It's almost an inevitability that when Nintendo releases a Mario game, it's going to sell a lot of copies, critics will like it and the players will have a great time. Some don't change the formula much, like New Super Mario for the DS, but others are radically different from their predecessors like Super Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros Wii. The interesting thing is, Mario made his debut as a 2D platforming game, which were very common at the time. Mario however stood out thanks the the fantastic level design and love that Nintendo wove into it. Then, Super Mario 64 came along and people went nuts. This is considered by many to be the greatest game of all time and there are some people who played it when it came out and are still playing it today. It was also the first launch title for the DS. Me? I thought it was OK. Although there have been so many Mario games nowadays, the question has never been asked, which type is better? Most people think: Mario. Jump. Doesn't matter which dimension he's in. But actually, the difference is quite big between the two types of Mario games.
When playing the 2D games, you'll see yourself doing a lot of running and jumping at breakneck speeds. It's much more frantic than the 3D versions. You also have a time limit on every level, which most will not notice, but when you realise that you've been wasting time and the clock is in the double digits, you will freak out as though Bowser had kidnapped Peach. The power ups in the 2D ones don't expire, whereas in 3D, most of them have a time limit. 3D Mario games are more about the the puzzles woven into the 3D landscape and slower, more timing based gameplay. The layout for the levels is also different. For instance, in 2D, the level always stays the same. If you go into the level again, it will be mainly to pick up star coins. In 3D, Mario will go for the stars in the level and, depending on which star you go for, the level will physically change. 

So, which do you prefer?


Imma back fo rizzle this time (Im so gangsta. Clearly). Well it's true that i actually got back about a week ago, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i was watching death note. It's just so good, and now it is finished and i have come back to the blog to do the posts which i have said that i would do.

Legend o' Zelda is great, what isn't made better by some zelda? Answer: Nothing. So. Yes, Wind waker as 4evs hinted i am the only one of the three of us that have actually played wind waker, though i haven't finished, i only just got the master sword. I think i know enough about the game to make a post though. Wind waker is amazing. It surpassed my expectations by far, i thought it would be outdated and i would find it old and annoying but no, 'tis wonderful. Firstly cell shaded graphics and god damn awesome, they look amazing and impress me, very rarely do games that are so old have graphics as great as wind waker's. But the dilemma is i'm not sure whether i like twilight princess' graphics or wind waker's more, they seem too different to compare, but who knows maybe if they made a static console toon link game today maybe that would be enough to outright beat twillight princess but they haven't so i can't decide. Wind waker is definitely my favourite toon link game, it's just great. The game play i have a few issues with however. Sailing, i sail on occasion, a kind of boat called a laser. A laser is pretty much the exact same kind of boat as the one that toon link sails on the game which is why i find a few things strange. For example toon link always sails down wind, never any other way. Sailing down wind in heavy wind is by far the hardest kind of sailing you can do, you have barely any control and can capsize at any moment. Sailing perpendicular to the wind is the fastest and best way of sailing. Also, the map is a bit too huge. At first i liked how big it was and it made me feel like it was more of an adventure but now it's really just a pain to get from one place to the next cause it just takes too damn long. I'm glad they fixed that for phantom hourglass. The sword fighting on the other hand would easily beat every other zelda game if it had twilight princess' sword moves, wind waker combat is awesome the music changes to match your fight so when you strike the enemy the music picks up and it's really really cool. Another thing about the combat which i thought was great is that you can pick up other enemies weapons. If you knock an enemy down (like in twilight princess) then they drop their weapon. At first you can pick up the sticks that the enemies hold but as you get further through the game you get way cooler things from telescopes to spears to this giant broad sword which is not only longer than link himself, but the first time you see the enemy who holds it, he's a mini boss, that's how good the broad swords are. While holding the weapon you can either drop it, slash it or throw it, i usually just retreat then throw it at them as throwing a giant broadsword just owns everything around you Unfortunately you can't take these into other rooms. I keep finding myself wishing that i had the mortal draw (best sword move of all time) but sadly no. Since wind waker doesn't have the sword moves in my opinion it ties with twilight princess. I'm not sure whether i like wind waker better than twilight princess overall, i'll finish the game then i'll see.