This is something of a tribute to the strongest Pokemon of all time:
You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!
Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Future proof?
The Wii U looks amazing. Everybody says it's amazing, but I'm wondering for how long. For a while, everyone was talking about the Wii, this was around the time Twilight Princess came out. But then came the haters and they were merciless. I hate admitting this, but PS3 and 360 did surpass the Wii in pretty much every category except one. Quality of the games. Even if the console is weaker, as long as it has games that entertain the fans, they fork over money. But it looks like the Wii U isn't going to be surpassed again. The controls are that of a 360 or PS3 controller, but with the addition of a touch screen, so third party games can translate onto Nintendo's console without them having to make a "Wii" version of it (you know when they put virtually no effort into it and only focus on the 360 and PS3 versions) The new controls see to that, but the addition of the touchscreen is no doubt going to mean that it will fly past the other consoles right? Perhaps not. Gamers tend to be a loyal bunch and I can already here people groaning about the console, but hopefully they will see.

Basically, the only thing that Sony and Microsoft have done when it comes to making new consoles is slap on HD graphics and copy what Nintendo did (motion gaming) Neither brand has really changed their controller since the originals, look: PS1


So, all I think that Sony and Microsoft can do to force the "Wii" version of things back on is to make a new controller, but I doubt they'll take a risk like that.
Nintendo for the WIN!
Basically, the only thing that Sony and Microsoft have done when it comes to making new consoles is slap on HD graphics and copy what Nintendo did (motion gaming) Neither brand has really changed their controller since the originals, look: PS1
So, all I think that Sony and Microsoft can do to force the "Wii" version of things back on is to make a new controller, but I doubt they'll take a risk like that.
Nintendo for the WIN!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
snorlax ownz da noobs

terfle, even though zekrom is epic, snorlax can shoop da woop.
what was that you said while we were brawling a while ago, snorlax pwnz the noobs?
yeah, I thought so...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Games for the Wii U!
The last great Wii game...delayed
Skyward Sword's release date has been pushed back to Q4, but that's fine. Here's a new trailer...Zelda looks creepy:
Wii U!!!!!!
It does have a six inch touch screen along with the following buttons: A, B, X, Y and shoulder buttons: L and R as well as ZL and ZR along with two analog sticks. Take a look:
And the graphics...need I say more?
And third party games suck no more!
Also, a new Mario! It's called new Super Mario Bros Mii. Seems as though you can play as your Mii in game...fat chance I'll ever do that, I just want to be good ol' Mario, Luigi and it seems like Wario and Waluigi might be making it.
Grinding: a trainers guide to pokemon training in pokemon white and black version
Grinding is by far the most difficult and annoying phase in any pokemon game. spending hours training all of your pokemon up to a certain level can be really tedious without the proper guidelines. Well, these guidelinbes are about to be told to you. first of all, you items. make sure that you have plenty of Hp, Pp and status healing items. either that or grind near a pokemon centre. In pokemon black and white, an item called the lucky egg can speed up the grinding process. this item gives boosted exp at the end of battles( note, if you are training a pokemon that has been given to you through trade or migration, the lucky egg will serve no point). the second thing you need is appropriately leveled opponents. Here is the guide line. when training to :
level 7-10, battle wild pokemon level 2-5 level 11-19 battle wild pokemon level 6-10 level 20-30, battle wild pokemon level 11-20 level 31-40, battle wild pokemon level 20-32 level 41-50, battle wild pokemon at victory road (level 33-40) these ar
e levels you can grind against before you beat the league. I will give more info about post league when I can.
the goal for trainers is to get their pokemon to high levels, if not the highest.
hydreigoin, being a powerhouse pokemon, is the only pokemon to evolve at level 64
(from zweilous to hydreigon)

the goal for trainers is to get their pokemon to high levels, if not the highest.
hydreigoin, being a powerhouse pokemon, is the only pokemon to evolve at level 64
(from zweilous to hydreigon)
Wii 2 controller?
Lotsa speculation about the Wii 2 controller. People are saying it has a 6 inch touch screen on it, with a built in camera. The people claiming this claim to have found the info from a reliable source, but I don't really know. Hopefully E3 will clear this up.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Terfle: How do you play pokemon?

Since blogger is finally working again, i decided that i would finally get around to making this post. The way i play pokemon is a bit... different to the usual way. I almost always get the grass starter, unless there is a large reason not to. I catch every pokemon i see, but only to complete the pokedex, generally once a pokemon is caught by me it then stays in the computer for the rest of time. I will assemble 'the team of awesome' a team that i chose, with very little in mind about how strong the pokemon are, much more about how they look and how cool i think they are. Once i have the team of six it very rarely changes, but i try to keep all of my team at roughly the same level, and i don't make sure to keep my starter stronger than the rest. I have never used the bird type pokemon that you see at the start of the game, as... well i see them so much that i begin to dislike them, so that even if they were in the team of awesome they would probably be evicted. I also never use daycare, except for breeding, the first ditto i catch or acquire gets put in day care and never, never leaves. Legendaries dont enter the team of awesome and are more just kept as trophies. I seem to always make very feeble attempts at filling the pokedex, and im completely terrible at contests. The pokeathlon however i was pro at and completely finished it. In white, the team of awesome consists of: Serperior, Reuniclus, lampent, deino, soon a larvesta and maybe a haxorus. Since i haven't been playing white lately my pokemon aren't all fully evolved, but that shall soon change.

Sunday, June 5, 2011
challenge: part Pokemon!
here is a new challenge. find a picture of any pokemon of your choosing and make sure that it is Epic to da MAXX.
the above is an example of giratina's appearance in pokemon platinum.
this is not my entry. the deadline is the day of the next UGS (ultimate gaming session). terfle, 4ever, in the famous words of mario, " LETSA GO!!!"

this is not my entry. the deadline is the day of the next UGS (ultimate gaming session). terfle, 4ever, in the famous words of mario, " LETSA GO!!!"
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