You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Future proof?

The Wii U looks amazing. Everybody says it's amazing, but I'm wondering for how long. For a while, everyone was talking about the Wii, this was around the time Twilight Princess came out. But then came the haters and they were merciless. I hate admitting this, but PS3 and 360 did surpass the Wii in pretty much every category except one. Quality of the games. Even if the console is weaker, as long as it has games that entertain the fans, they fork over money. But it looks like the Wii U isn't going to be surpassed again. The controls are that of a 360 or PS3 controller, but with the addition of a touch screen, so third party games can translate onto Nintendo's console without them having to make a "Wii" version of it (you know when they put virtually no effort into it and only focus on the 360 and PS3 versions) The new controls see to that, but the addition of the touchscreen is no doubt going to mean that it will fly past the other consoles right? Perhaps not. Gamers tend to be a loyal bunch and I can already here people groaning about the console, but hopefully they will see.

Basically, the only thing that Sony and Microsoft have done when it comes to making new consoles is slap on HD graphics and copy what Nintendo did (motion gaming) Neither brand has really changed their controller since the originals, look:                                             PS1




So, all I think that Sony and Microsoft can do to force the "Wii" version of things back on is to make a new controller, but I doubt they'll take a risk like that.

Nintendo for the WIN!

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