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Monday, June 6, 2011

Terfle: How do you play pokemon?

Since blogger is finally working again, i decided that i would finally get around to making this post. The way i play pokemon is a bit... different to the usual way. I almost always get the grass starter, unless there is a large reason not to. I catch every pokemon i see, but only to complete the pokedex, generally once a pokemon is caught by me it then stays in the computer for the rest of time. I will assemble 'the team of awesome' a team that i chose, with very little in mind about how strong the pokemon are, much more about how they look and how cool i think they are. Once i have the team of six it very rarely changes, but i try to keep all of my team at roughly the same level, and i don't make sure to keep my starter stronger than the rest. I have never used the bird type pokemon that you see at the start of the game, as... well i see them so much that i begin to dislike them, so that even if they were in the team of awesome they would probably be evicted. I also never use daycare, except for breeding, the first ditto i catch or acquire gets put in day care and never, never leaves. Legendaries dont enter the team of awesome and are more just kept as trophies. I seem to always make very feeble attempts at filling the pokedex, and im completely terrible at contests. The pokeathlon however i was pro at and completely finished it. In white, the team of awesome consists of: Serperior, Reuniclus, lampent, deino, soon a larvesta and maybe a haxorus. Since i haven't been playing white lately my pokemon aren't all fully evolved, but that shall soon change.

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