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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Next Pokemon Game

Nintendo, I love you. I love you very much. But no love is without fault and Nintendo has made mistakes that no-one can really justify. But here's the thing, Pokemon is almost universally loved by many gamers and only 13 year old COD try-hards can really put it down. But for the next Pokemon game, there are things I would very much like to see Ninty. Very much.

Nintendo; we want Pokemon that look like this...NOW!
For I know that these don't make the game, but seriously. The 3DS has moar powah than the Nintendo Wii for god's sake, so make it happen. All we want is for us to fell as though our pocket monsters are real. Remember Pokemon Colosseum? And Gale of Darkness? Those changing camera angles and reactive Pokemon movements were just great for their time and really shook up the landscape and that made going back to Pokemon Emerald very hard. But even so, take a look at Pokemon Battle Revolution. Although it's basically just a glorified tool to let Pokemon fight each other on the big screen with glorious graphics, that was on the freakin' Wii. IT LOOKED AMAZING AND YOU STILL HAVE NOT GIVEN US A 3DS POKEMON GAME THAT LOOKS BETTER! 

Think about it Nintendo. People love graphics, even if they don't change gameplay. You give us a Pokemon game that looks anything like Battle Revolution on the 3DS and people will buy. When Black and White came out, it was expected that these would be the final games for the DS to usher in a new era of Handheld gaming. And then with the release of the 3DS, everyone was expecting the next Pokemon game to appear on it. All of a sudden, Black and White 2 for the DS. You can imagine the groans. Still, these are great games with the addition of Pokemon from older generations which make large improvements over the designs of 5th generation Pokemon which is the main reason I didn't like the game as much. I grew up with all Pokemon up 'till Shinnoh and those are the Pokemon with the best designs. Black and White introduced some really poorly designed Pokemon, but by adding in cool Pokemon like Growlithe and Riolu, the problem is pretty much solved. For the next Pokemon game, give us the Pokemon we want with the graphics we want and of course, do the smart thing and really push triple and rotation battles (which was the best part of Black and White)

Or you could always make another Mystery Dungeon game...please?

Top 5 Nintendo Villains

Number 1: The one, The only, Demon Lord Girahim.
Yes, a non final boss villain is at the number 1 spot. Why?
BECAUSE HE WAS FREAKING COOL. the way Girahim's character was presented was absolutely brilliant. I had an everlasting fear that Girahim would jump out at me every time I opened a door.
The battles with him, all three of them, were just brilliant. The first made you feel significantly out gunned. the second made you feel a little more confident, and the third, weeeeeeeeeeeeeellll, he becomes invincible. but the method in which you damage him is just... well, I'll put it like this.
's Beautiful
's Sublime

Top 5 Nintendo Villains

Number 2: Ganondorf from OOT

Ganondorf. the gerudo king. While he wasn't physically present through the whole game, he had the dark, looming presence, especially in the adult world. You get to see what happened to your childhood friends at the hands of The Evil King. And if that didn't create a burning rage in you, then... umm... welll... I don't even is my only reaction. 

Top 5 Nintendo Villains

At number 3: Zant. Yes, Zant, the userper king. Now we get to the big guns. Zant does not have the problem of bowser, demise and the TP version of Ganondorf. He is there from the start and he ACTUALLY DOES STUFF TO YOU TO MAKE YOU WANT TO TAKE THE MASTER SWORD AND SHOVE IT UP HIS fish helmet... yeah... fish helmet.... 
He was a villain that we all wanted to take on. And his boss fight was, while not the most epic, very diverse. 

Top 5 Nintendo Villains

At number 4, the new kid on the block, Demise.
Once again, why is he here? Well, because he's got the same problem as Bowser. He just shows up at the end of the game. Although he has more of a presence in the form of the Imprisoned. But it was more of a nuisance rather than a dark presence. 

Top 5 Nintendo Villains

How about this Nintendians?

At number 5: Bowser.
I'm sorry, what's that? the original Nintendo villain at the bottom spot on the list?
well its because while he IS the O G villain, he's just not as good as the others on this list. he feels like the necessary final boss at the end of the game. But, he has lived up to his potential in the past, which is why he's here. 

Pokemon's Best Locales #1: Relegram Tower

Ever played Half Life 2? You should. Ever been to CIty 17? Try and avoid it if you can. 
In City 17 of Half Life 2, you are always graced with the presence of a large tower hulking in the distance with immense size and power. That's the sort of feeling you get with Realgam Tower in Pokemon Colosseum. The first time you go there, it will be a wreck of construction materials and junk with workers telling you "It't nearly finished, we've just got a lot of cleaning up to do" Cool man, I can wait. At the very end of the Game you finally go to Realgam Tower and Holy MOTHER OF GOD!!!! Without a doubt, Realgam Tower is the most impressive spectacle in all of Pokemon with long elevators taking you up and up to face more challenges. And the sheer design of the place is It's the sort of place that could be seen in a sic-fi movie. In Gale of Darkness, it's less impressive, because the place had been turned into an amusement centre. 
Realgam Tower: Give it a visit someday!

Pokemon's Best Locales #2: Citadark Island

There are not one, but two Volcanoes in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. Both of which you fight on. Me personally, I was always worried whenever somebody used the move dig...

Anyway, Citadark Island is a fabled place of merry wonder and joy without anything evil or bad going on, aside from the criminal organization Cipher using it as a base and a place to create Shadow Pokemon. This is where you will face a whole bunch of Cipher Peons, as well as every boss in the game on top of four new ones, including the fabled Pokemon XD001. This is such a climactic, dangerous and atmospheric place that it does so well as set the stage for the end of days.

Pokemon's Best Locales #3: Pallet Town

Home. Home is a place no-one else can describe. It belongs to few people the true experience of being home. One person's home is simply theirs. Coming home always feels relaxing don't it? As soon as players enter the game, they are treated to their very own bedroom and home equipped with their own mother (where does she sleep?) Eventually, you wander around the small Pallet Town and talk to people who give you some easy and early advice about the world of Pokemon. The music is suitably quaint and has a nice homey feel to it. But there are only two houses, yours and your rival's. What's up with that? Oh, and there is of course the famous Oak Laboratories where you acquire your first Pokemon and begin your Journey. This place has been spiritually emulated across all Pokemon games in the forms of Littleroot Town, New Bark Town and various others, but Pallet Town was the first and although there have been improvements in the whole world of Pokemon, there is nothing quite like Pallet Town.

Pokemon's Best Locales #4: Phenac City

The City of Water is by far one of the prettiest places in all of Pokemon. It;s shiny, it's watery and it makes you want to live there. One of the many reasons this place is so well loved in Pokemon Colosseum is because it's almost like a safe haven. The rest of the Orre region is desert and waste (with a few exceptions) but this is a sparkling place with mostly friendly people and... just looks at it man...
Ever tried to describe water? That's how hard it is to describe Phenac City.