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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pokemon's Best Locales #1: Relegram Tower

Ever played Half Life 2? You should. Ever been to CIty 17? Try and avoid it if you can. 
In City 17 of Half Life 2, you are always graced with the presence of a large tower hulking in the distance with immense size and power. That's the sort of feeling you get with Realgam Tower in Pokemon Colosseum. The first time you go there, it will be a wreck of construction materials and junk with workers telling you "It't nearly finished, we've just got a lot of cleaning up to do" Cool man, I can wait. At the very end of the Game you finally go to Realgam Tower and Holy MOTHER OF GOD!!!! Without a doubt, Realgam Tower is the most impressive spectacle in all of Pokemon with long elevators taking you up and up to face more challenges. And the sheer design of the place is It's the sort of place that could be seen in a sic-fi movie. In Gale of Darkness, it's less impressive, because the place had been turned into an amusement centre. 
Realgam Tower: Give it a visit someday!

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