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Friday, December 21, 2012

Pokemon's Best Locales #3: Pallet Town

Home. Home is a place no-one else can describe. It belongs to few people the true experience of being home. One person's home is simply theirs. Coming home always feels relaxing don't it? As soon as players enter the game, they are treated to their very own bedroom and home equipped with their own mother (where does she sleep?) Eventually, you wander around the small Pallet Town and talk to people who give you some easy and early advice about the world of Pokemon. The music is suitably quaint and has a nice homey feel to it. But there are only two houses, yours and your rival's. What's up with that? Oh, and there is of course the famous Oak Laboratories where you acquire your first Pokemon and begin your Journey. This place has been spiritually emulated across all Pokemon games in the forms of Littleroot Town, New Bark Town and various others, but Pallet Town was the first and although there have been improvements in the whole world of Pokemon, there is nothing quite like Pallet Town.

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