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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Super Scribblenauts

Super Scribblenauts just barely claims the title as my favourite nintendo DS game. It is a down right impressive game. The concept alone of being able to write in any nouns or adjectives is just plain awesome. It is the kind of game that you can get anybody, even people who hate video games to have fun with. The game has no real storyline, aside from the fact that the character is called Maxwell, but hey thats basically as much as Mario does. Super Scribblenauts focuses much more on the gameplay, this doesn't really make the game any worse it just leaves you to do what ever you want. You can make golden pregnant T-rexs fight telekinetic flying donkeys, well if you want to. What I like so much about it is the way that really the sky is the limit, well the sky and your vocabulary. Having a slightly smaller vocabulary wont make the game worse it just means that you will play it very differently. The game includes a sandbox mode, 121 levels and even the option of creating your own levels. Another thing that is great about this game is that every problem from the first game is fixed, in the first game the controls weren't great and it did glitch a little bit, but everything is better for this game. It has some crazy, and awesome levels and even a final one with a storyline. Another cool thing is the Easter eggs in the game. There are some weird one like ''lol wut'' which gives you a hat that is basically maxwells head but huge, another is the adjective scribblenautical, which im not even going to tell you what it does. You can also type in the names of the devs to get some really weird things, some of the devs just wanted their character to look like them, but some of them have... unusual avatars. One is a light blue slime, and another is a T-rex with a red bandanna, there is event one that is a really short samurai holding a massive sword. There are some things that i found that you could type in that have awesome results, like the 'robosaur' a mechanical T-rex. The 'Shoggoth' a huge blue monster covered in eyes. There is the adjective omnipotent which makes whatever it is applied to immortal, slightly larger and gives them the ability to fly. The adjective 'telekinetic' makes things around the object float. And of coarse the unusual adjective 'pregnant' which makes the object have a baby version of itself after a few seconds. Anyway I thought that this game was great because you could do what ever you wanted, even if you wanted to fight your evil clone with excalibur or ride a flying T-rex into the sunset.
Maxwell's mount of choice, the flying spotty bathtub.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Does the Wii need a successor?

The Nintendo Wii has been on the market for about five years now and thar's old! Really old for a console at any rate. But the Wii has done incredibly well in its lifespan, selling gigantic amounts of games. Think about this. One of the best selling Xbox 360 games of all time was Halo 3, selling at roughly 8 million units. Mario Kart Wii is the third best selling Wii game, selling at about 26 million units. Now that's quite a considerable margin. So, the Wii's doing well, but what's on the horizon? Apart from The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, has there been all that much buzz about upcoming Wii games? I know, I know, the 3DS is about to be released and that means Nintendo might be putting some projects on hold for the time being. But still, there are some problems which the system has which could all be fixed with a new installment.
1.) Graphics: Updating the graphics to HD would be nice.
2.) Controller: I have absolutely nothing against the Wii-motes, in fact, I like them much better than the other ones on the market, but it would be nice to see another control stick added to the mix.
3.) Image: What I mean is, in the eyes of PS3 and 360 gamers, they think the Wii is garbage because you waggle your arms about at 1000000 kilometers per hour to play games that aren't COD or Halo. They're wrong. But an image update could make these trash talkers throw their controllers in the recycle and dive into the new system.

But personally, I don't think the Wii needs a successor yet...soon, but not yet. Nintendo tend to release a new console every five years, so I wouldn't be too surprised if one was announced, but nothing official has been confirmed. But I would like to see the Wii on the market for at lest 1 more year. :-)