You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Brawl Tourney's

Super Smash Bros Brawl is a game that has the U.S. and Japan hosting tournaments for it. There are some very interesting rules and regulations surrounding them. For one, everybody plays with the gamecube controller (as do I) this comes from playing SSB Melee on the gamecube. Secondly, there are no items used. This I believe leads to an interesting discussion. Do items rig the match? Once upon a time I was Playing SSBB at a friends house and we were going one on one with no items...except the Smash Ball. Every K.O. that match was done by the Smash Ball, so I ended up losing even though when we went up against each other without items I was able to defeat him. Another very strict rule in Tourney's is the exclusion of Tier 1 characters like Meta Knight. He's banned from pretty much all tournaments because he's a "broken character" (broken character meaning that he's too good) 

You also are not allowed to "boost"
Boosting is a  bit tricky to do, but it is basically just cheating. Here's an example: You is Sonic. You is ascared of getting pwned by da noobs, so yous jump off the stage and use the homing attack to hit the bottom of the stage. You then do this over and over and over again so the other contestants can't fight youse. eventually, when there is one guy left (who has probably lost some lives) you stop using the home attack and fall down. When you return, you will probably have more lives than the opponent.
I personally have never been to a Brawl Tournament because I live in Australia, but one day I do hope to go to one.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(almost)

we may be at 8902 page views, but I'm posting this now because: 1-we will forget to put anything up, 2- ever heard of the nyan cat...
these 2 videos define the very esscence of winning. nyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyanyan...

charlie sheen got his guide to winning from vegeta, nappa and the nyan cat

Kirby TV channel

Just found this out, Nintendo has put up a new channel called the Kirby TV channel where you can watch Kirby's TV show made years ago. It's a free download from the Wii shop channel, so get cracking. FOR FREE! The episodes will stay up for two weeks and a new episode will come out every monday and thursday. The channel ends on the 1st of December. What are you waiting for??!!

4EVER's favourite DS game of all time

The twin developers of Jupiter and Square Enix decided one day to create the best DS game that there ever will be. It's called, the World Ends With You. It's a game with fantastic story, fantastic gameplay and a very interesting art style. The player will take control of Neku, an anti-social teenager who claims that he: "Doesn't get people. Never has, never will" and so he wears headphones to block out the noise of the others. But one day, he wakes up in the Scramble Crossing and knows nothing of what's going on, except that he has a timer etched onto his hand and that he is being attacked by strange creatures. Neku finds out that he is in "The Reaper's Game" and must win each challenge if he wants to be free. Along the way, you will team up with Shiki, Joshua and Beat respectively The story is incredible. It's obvious that the devs poured their heart and soul into making it emotional and gripping and it is. It also produced some of the best music I've ever heard in a game. The main meat of the gameplay is done in battles with the creatures known as "Noise" You control Neku on the bottom screen using the touch pad and your partner on the top screen with the D pad. At first, this is really tricky, but you can actually make the cpu take over your partner for a little while if you cease input. But if you do this, the reward for beating your foes insn't as great as if you do it by yourself. Neku fights by using pins. You can equip pins on the menu and use them in battle. The touch screen uses different commands for each pin and they have loads of different powers. Ice spears, shields, pyrokenisis, levitation of objects which you can throw, melee attacks and oh so much more. The top screen is a bit different. Your partner has combos which, if you pull off correctly will allow you to use a special move that really helps out in tough battles...and looks extremely cool. 

I love this game for many reasons, but the thing I will take away from this game the most is the story. I love a good story as much as anyone, but this one takes the cake. This is like "the kite runner" of video game stories. Unmatchable. Pick this game up. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the new team of awsomeness

So, as you know, I am restarting pokemon red and getting myself a bulbasaur as my starter pokemon/ epic grass type. Now, as bulbasaur will be very weak against fire type moves, I plan to get myself a water type pokemon. Seadra/ gyarados wil fill the role as my water type. my flying type will be dragonite(what else).
my fire type-arcanine
my electric type-jolteon/elecabuzz
my ghost/normal type-haunter/snorlax

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


While roaming the internet i found this picture, which in my opinion sums up the yoshis in the regular mario games completely, especially new super marios bros wii. Yoshis are awesome, but also quite expendable, and when it comes down to it, all players would kill of their yoshi to get to that star coin which is just out of reach, or to avoid an untimely demise. Personally, I love using the yoshis, but i also have to habit of spinning when i jump to get that little bit of extra distance. Whenever i get a yoshi i usually lose it quite quickly to this unfortunate habit, but this habit has saved me too many times to disregard it. I love the way that it's eyes look in the picture, that look of trust towards mario, as it plummets to a death which is entirely mario's fault.


Monday, June 20, 2011

descisions and epic music

before i continue, read the rest of this post while listening to this
epic music
watch the video from about 1:05
anyway, pokemon red, i started with charmander, but that is all I had. after beating the 1st gym on sunday night, i realised that i missed a rival battle and I did not catch nidoran(M/F). I also realised that bulbasaur is the best grass type in the game and, since I chose charmander, my grass options were vileplume and tangela. so, should I restart? if I do, I will edit my post about my epic team of awsomeness, or create a new one. so, what should I do, restart, or continue and hope for the best. (also, bulbasaur is the best starter to use for the first 3 gyms for its super effectiveness against rock and water types and it's resistance to electric type attacks).
what do you think? comment before thursday as that is when I will be continuing/restarting pokemon red.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ocarina of Time 3D

In America, Ocarina is already out. Lucky...but that also means the reviews are out and they do not disappoint. Although not exactly the success of the N64 version, it was still favourably review with ALMOST perfect scores. The only real complaints are that every now and then, the new control layout didn't match up to the original. But that isn't worth forgetting this game for. Pick it up! 

Pokemon red: welcome!

I finally got pokemon red version. O.k To begin with, my name is Doctor Nick(obviously) and my rival is called 4ever(because my rival in pokemon platinum is named terfle). anyways, I started with a charmander, named it Fenrir, and now we have gone off to see the world of 1st gen kanto region. I have just gone into viridian forest. you8 may be asking me, doctor, why did you choose charmander, it is usless against the first and second gyms. while this is true, charizard pwns all the other gyms, plus i will have other pokemon to back me up. like a pikachu, or a jolteon or vaporeon or scyther, or haunter, or golbat, maybe vileplume, definately growlithe, and certainly a drogonite.
The dream team: Charizard, dragonite, arcanine, snorlax/vileplume/scyther, gengar/marowak, jolteon.