So. you have heard the terfle's thoughts on skyward sword and skyrim. he thought he was stealing. little did he know, that I WANTED HIM TO MAKE A POST LIKE THAT.
terfle talked about travel, items and experience. i will talk about story, combat and characters.
now for my version.
Skyward sword: the story for skyward sword follows the basic zelda formula. "O noes! princess Zelda has been k
idnapped by a creepy middle aged Lincoln wannabe. go and save her!" but this time, its a little different. for starters, link actually has great reason to rescue zelda other than her being royalty. link and Zelda, and i quote from 4ever, have an ob
vious "thing..." going on. they clearly like each other. (you know what i mean here.) secondly, the main enemy of the game, girahim, is not a creepy fat

guy, but a rather... odd character. NOTE: if you were defeated by girahim in your first encounter with him, you have bee

n humiliated. i am s
orry. go fight bobokins and humiliate them to restore your manliness.
Skyrim: you are the dragonborn. your quest is to seek out and defeat the dragons. especially alduin. the big bad IMA KILL U AND EAT UR BA
BBEHS of d
ragons. Skyrim also has a compelling side story, a WAR. in skyrim, dragons take presidence over brothers killing each other... right...
each quest aslo has its own story line, so those ar
e the two main ones.
skyrim: you can fight with magic, 1 handed or 2 handed weapons in skyrim. magic can be used if your magika bar has enough left in it, 1 handed weapons swing faster than 2 handed, but 2 handed deal WAYYYYY more damage. while th
ere are many weapons and spells to choose from
in skyrim, you have no controll over where you swing your weapon, or fire your spells (and arrows). you can not attack around blocks making enemies with sheild annoying and rather tedious to f
Skyward sword:
skyward sword does the exact opposite. you only have your items and your sword to fight with, but your control over them is far more realistic. sword combat allows you to attack around blocks, this prevents fights with regular foes from
taking too long, and boss fights far more difficult. you have to read your opponents moves to find the right opportunity to strike. or just swing wildly and hope for a hit.
However, there is always a case of the miss swing. you swing in one direction, but link swings in another.

a lot of the charaters in skyrim are really memorable. Ralof, kudlak whitemane, ulfric stormcloak, and delphine. but the minor characters are easily forgettable. especially the guards. the only reason everyone remembers them is due to a joke that has no place here. why? IT TOOK AN
Also, alduin is one of those villans you grow to hate, but not very much. kind of like ganon... from ocarina of time where he actually does stuff to you.
Skyward sword:
each character in skyward sword has their own unique personality. groose is a try-hard, FLedge is the young guy who needs help... a lot... and then there is girahim...

ZOMBIE JEEBUZ. Grahim is by far the easiest tyrant to dislike in any zelda game for the simple reason that he makes a fool of you. Ganon was all like meh, Girahim takes no chances he wants you gone as early as possible.
this has been my comparison.
but my next question to you, who would win in a fight between Girahim, Ganondorf and any other villain that doesn't reappear as much.