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Thursday, January 12, 2012


Doc said that he would post pros and cons of skyward sword and skyrim. Then he didn't. So, time to steal his idea.

First. Traveling.
Skyward sword: it's okay, with sprint finally added to zelda getting around isn'y much of a hassle, though you do have to get used to stopping sprinting just before you run out. Though i find controlling the lofting a bit awkward and it does take a while to fly somewhere.
Skyrim: The dovahkiin walks at an alright speed though you will find yourself sprinting at all opportunities, just like skyward sword it will drain your stamina, though you can improve your stamina in this game, which you will find helpful because the world of skyrim is ridiculously huge, luckily though you can quicktravel to places you have already been, i don't really like the horses though, the controls are a bit clunky and my horse literally committed suicide, a thousand gold, wasted, and for some unexplained reason they can go almost vertical.

Skyward sword: items are always useful, whether they be potions, quest items or the awesome things you find in temples, but you have quite a limited selection of things you can carry with you, but you can upgrade your pouch to get more room, if you are full then you can store stuff at the items storage shop in the bazaar, but the checkout girl will hit on you.
Skyrim: there are so many items in this game that your inventory will be filled with crap loads of everything you can imagine, weapons, armor, books, potions, i've even found a human heart. But, a major downside of this is that you have limit to how much you can carry at one time, after you reach that point you will move at an immensely slow speed so that you can just barely move, to have a safe place to store your items you need to buy a house, which you can do at any of the major towns (all are marked on your map at the beginning of the game). The cheapest is whiterun, where it costs 5000 gold and the most expensive is solitude where it costs 25000 gold, but i hear you get a mansion in solitude, opposed to the very small house in whiterun.

Skyward sword: You do not level up at all in this game, though you do get better swords that do more damage, overall you really have to rely on actually getting better at the game to be more effective.
Skyrim: to level up in skyrim you hve to increase individual stats, you don't get experience from killing enemies, though if you kill them using a bow it will help your archery, with a sword it will improve your one handed and if you use magic it will improve what ever branch of magic you used to kill them. when you level up you get to increase either magic, health or stamina (if you increase stamina you also get higher max carry weight) and you also get a perk.

I'll do more of these when i get back, though ideas for what i should do them on would be helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Great post.
    Sorry I've been absent. I was doing some acting work.
    Our co-host is really sick, he has a temperature of around 39 degrees.
    Sounds like he might need a Doctor
