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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Does the Wii need a successor?

The Nintendo Wii has been on the market for about five years now and thar's old! Really old for a console at any rate. But the Wii has done incredibly well in its lifespan, selling gigantic amounts of games. Think about this. One of the best selling Xbox 360 games of all time was Halo 3, selling at roughly 8 million units. Mario Kart Wii is the third best selling Wii game, selling at about 26 million units. Now that's quite a considerable margin. So, the Wii's doing well, but what's on the horizon? Apart from The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, has there been all that much buzz about upcoming Wii games? I know, I know, the 3DS is about to be released and that means Nintendo might be putting some projects on hold for the time being. But still, there are some problems which the system has which could all be fixed with a new installment.
1.) Graphics: Updating the graphics to HD would be nice.
2.) Controller: I have absolutely nothing against the Wii-motes, in fact, I like them much better than the other ones on the market, but it would be nice to see another control stick added to the mix.
3.) Image: What I mean is, in the eyes of PS3 and 360 gamers, they think the Wii is garbage because you waggle your arms about at 1000000 kilometers per hour to play games that aren't COD or Halo. They're wrong. But an image update could make these trash talkers throw their controllers in the recycle and dive into the new system.

But personally, I don't think the Wii needs a successor yet...soon, but not yet. Nintendo tend to release a new console every five years, so I wouldn't be too surprised if one was announced, but nothing official has been confirmed. But I would like to see the Wii on the market for at lest 1 more year. :-)

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