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Saturday, May 21, 2011

SSBB Character dissection: the legendary Captain Falcon!!

Ah yes. captain falcon. What kind of blogg that was about nintendo, not talk about him? recently he has become my go to character in brawl. he takes some getting used to but once you learn to controll him, he can tear people to shreds. Captain falcon's "B" smash is the famous "FALCON PUNCH!!!" where he basically unleashes a punch that can send your enemy flying if they are not careful. Secondly, his side "B" attack. the captain charges at his opponent at dangerously high speeds. if he makes contact, he will knock them into the air with a powerful uppercut attack. the capatain's down smash is his falcon kick. it works in 2 ways. 1: when you are on the ground, C.F. will launch himself at his enemy with a powerful sweeping kick. 2: when in the air, C.F. uses the falcon kick to drop down from the sky quickly, damaging anything that gets in his way. last of the captains attacks is his upm smash. he launches himself into the air as a recovery move should. BUT, if he makes contact with anything while performing this stunt, he will gtrapple them, smash them out of the way and shout at the top of his lungs, "YESZ!" (this is my favourite of his attacks.) last but not least is C.F.'s final smash, blue falcon. He calls the blue falcon and, if it hits, it instantly knocks enemies off the stage. however, the attacks drawback is tis accuacy. all an opponent has to do to doge this attack is to jump over captain falcon before he uses it and they will be safe. Captain falcon is one of my favourite brawl characters. What are yours??


  1. i am trying to master the power of CAPTAIN FALCON!!!

  2. YES!
