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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The weirdest side quest ever

Skyward Sword has many many side quests, most of them very strange. But there's one which I think is just plain weird.
If you go to the item storage at Bazaar, you'll talk to Peatrice, the bored shopkeeper. If you come there often, she'll eventually ask: "Huh, you keep coming here are lot. Is it just to see me?" Since I enjoy taking advantage of people's emotions, I gleefully said yes. She didn't take me seriously though. When I came back later, she asked me what I needed to do. I said that I was only here to see her. She didn't have much to say that time, but she was a little embarassed. Now, I know what you're thinking, but no, I'm not a rapist/stalker...much
Anyway, I kept coming back and soon enough, she asked me another question, a little more forward than the previous ones. She asked: "Do you really like me?" I answered in the affirmative. She did a little dance and pretty much jumped out of her skin. I kept coming back to the store over and over again until she started calling me sweetie. I was a little perturbed by my new virtual girlfriend, but I kept at it, until eventually she called me darling. Afterwards at the storage area, she says that she can hold onto anything of yours that you want...right-o then.
The next day, she asks me to come over to her house that when the sun goes down. So, I put on my lucky underwear, washed my mouth out and sprayed some lynx on before heading to her house. Turns out her dad was there. Holy-
He then told me that he thought his daughter had an unwanted admirer and that he wanted me to find the bastard and beat him to dust. I would gladly have done so, but I used my detecting powers to work out he was talking about me, even if he didn't know it. I spoke to Peatrice again. She was overjoyed to see me and asked what I really felt about her. I replied that I liked her. She asked me the same question to make sure I wasn't lying. When she was convinced, she squealed for joy and stated that our love was undying and eternal and that we would go on to get married. Before I could go either: "U mad woman?/ Yes my love, forever and always" she said that she was aware that I was on some epic mission and that I didn't have the time for a relationship, so she said that once I was finished we could finally be together. I left the house knowing that I had accomplished something, I just didn't know what (that and I got 5 crystals)

Boy, Zelda is going to be pretty angry when she gets back...