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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Doctor Replays: Pokemon ruby

After 5 years and 6 months, i restarted pokemon ruby. the game that started me on my journey to being a pokemon mastah. Last time i started with sceptile. This time i started with... Sceptile.
So what? Sceptile is beast. THe fastest of the three, by far and with a reasonably high attack.
My team of awesome. Sceptile, Aggron, dusclops, Flygon/Salamence, Walrein and Gardevoir.
Why did i choose these six pokemon? they are all brilliant. Aggron takes hits like a tank, then dishes out punishment. Dusclops and Gardevoir are masters of the ranged attack. Flygon uses speed and attack. Walrein... is the eggman, we are the eggmen, walrein is the walrus. thats how awesome it is.

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