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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Super Mario 64 DS stuff

A while ago, I played a lot of Super Mario 64 DS and enjoyed it a lot, but then I played Galaxy...
Surely, both Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 will go down as not just a couple of great Wii games, but two of the best games in video game history! They are absolutely masterful in many respects. Mostly in the level variety and level design. There are also some neat additions to the Mario series: like being able to Spin. If you shot yourself in the wrong direction, or need a bit more of a boost, all you have to do is make one tiny flick of the Wii remote, and it can give you just what you need to survive. But then I went back and played a bit more Super Mario 64 on the DS, and noticed a few things about the game I didn't like. The main thing being the camera. It's dreadful at best. It is often blocked by objects, obscuring your view and adding a lot more guesswork about your depth perception. So many times I would leap through the sky and miss what I was aiming for because I miscalculated the depth and positioning of the object. The second was the design and direction of the levels. When you choose a star to go for, the name of the star gives you a clue about where ti go, but is often very vague, especially in the later levels. And in Galaxy, the levels would change completely so you would know where to go to get the star. This didn't make obtaining the star easy, but at lest you knew where to go. In 64 DS, the levels remained the same almost every time, making finding out where you need to be very hard. And some of the levels are just repeats. In one level, you have to climb the top of this tower to fight the Whomp King and get the star. In the next level, you had to climb the tower same way, but instead of fighting a boss, all you did was have to climb a pole... fun :-( 
My final complaint of the day is a small one, but I hate it nonetheless. When you want to turn around 360 degrees, your character doesn't turn on the spot, he actually has to walk around in a circle to be facing the other direction. This killed me some many times I almost rage quit...actually I did rage quit. If your looking for a game to by for the DS or Wii, Super Mario 64 DS isn't a bad choice, but it can be tough to get over these frustrations.

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