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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Super Smash Brother Brawl Character Dissection: Fox, Falco and Wolf

Without a doubt, these trio from the Lylat Wars are regarded with much controversy. Many just say that they are all clones of each other while others say that they are radically different. But, let's get this straight, I believe that while they are indeed similar, they do possess differences which make them unique enough to be their own characters. 

Fox is the fastest of them all. He moves with speed that, while not Sonic the Hedgehog, is still quite commendable. He jumps quite well too, but falls extremely quickly. Falco isn't quite as speedy, but jumps much higher, even though he falls at the same speed. Wolf on the other hand doesn't possess anywhere near the amount of speed that the other two do. He trades quickness, for power. On the other hand, he doesn't fall as quickly as Fox and Falco. Attack wise, Fox and Falco can both do never ending attacks (you know where you hold down the button and he can remain stationary while repeating the same melee attack) and both hit fast. Wolf only has a three hit combo, but it sure is powerful. All of their smash attacks have a fair bit of range, even though Wolf's have the most. 

Fox, Falco and Wolf all share variations of the same special moves. The "B" attack is the blaster. Fox's one fires very quickly, but does little damage and doesn't cause them to flinch, meaning they can still attack you as you are firing. Falco's is slower, does more damage and does in fact make them flinch, but the downside to this is that it makes his shots very easy to avoid. Wolf's blaster has very little range and the beam gets weaker as it goes. It is also the slowest blaster. The flipside is that it does much, much more damage than either of Fox or Falco's blaster and it can be used as a melee attack thanks to a nasty spike on the end of it. Side "B" sends Fox and Falco shooting to the other side of the stage in the blink of an eye, dealing damage to all in their path. Wolf shoots diagonally, making the move more risky (due to the higher chance of falling off the freaking stage) but if it connects on the diagonal, it can do major damage. Up "B" is the same for all. Fox and Falco charge themselves up in fire while Wolf readies a kick and they can send themselves shooting and any direction making this a pretty cool recovery move. While Fox and Falco's move may look different to their rival's, it is only dissimilar in appearance. 
The down "B" is the reflector, a move which deflects projectiles and does damage if the reflector has contact. Fox and Wolf keep it on their bodies, but Falco will kick it in the direction he is facing. 

They all have the same final smash. The almighty LANDMASTER. They jump in their all terrain vehicles and fire at will. You can fire lasers, fly about and try to carry other players off the stage or do a barrel roll. There are only slight differences between them. Fox's landmaster is standard, while Falco's flies longer and Wolf's (despite having the shortest time on stage) is the most powerful. So there you have it. Now who is best?