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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Super Mario Sunshine

I recently acquired a copy of Super Mario Sunshine, which was really exciting for me. So, with little hesitation, I put it in the Wii and started playing. After several attempts, I was sick of it. Sunshine is very similar to Super Mario 64, but with some differences. 
The first thing I didn't like about the game was the poor voice acting and dull cutscenes. Mario games shouldn't have either, After this though, I became excited again. I was able to explore the lush and vibrant Delfino Plaza. This was probably the highlight of my time though, as afterwards I actually had to get to work. I had to clean up this graffiti which was plaguing the town. The trouble was, it wasn't fun. The game sends enemies at you, but they die within one spray from the F.L.U.D.D. making the fight uninteresting, I wasn't impressed with this at all. Then, after walking around a little more, I came to a good old fashioned platforming level, which lacked a lot of interesting design or challenge. I know this is the start of the game and all, but come on! Later, a boss fight ensued against Petey Piranha. It was at this point that I just got frustrated with the game. The F.L.U.D.D. is far too hard to aim with and you really crave a lock on button after...two minutes of playing. After grudgingly picking the game up again, I came across a level where you lost the F.L.U.D.D. and had to do some good old fashioned platforming. But so after starting, I ejected the game and began playing Galaxy 2. Why? Well, the platforming was stupid. I was killed by the camera. TWICE! I had no idea where I was and fell to my death. So I just couldn't be stuffed anymore. There may come a point where I give the game another go and actually start to like it, but from what I've done so far, it's probably unlikely.


  1. I thought that you always thought that sunshine was great

  2. I had fond memories of the time I spent playing it back in the day...
    I guess playing stellar games like Galaxy 1 & 2 and Ocarina of Time and Donkey Kong Country Returns may have had something to do with it. But I think it was the lack of experience of actually playing it back in 2004. Look, there may be a chance that I will pick it up again and actually have a lot of fun with it. Its happened before. Here's to hoping.

  3. sorry about my prolonged period of silence guys.

  4. oh and by the way...

  5. when theres something strange in you neighbourhood,
    Guess who it is...
