You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Monday, August 8, 2011

What happens if the mighty fall...

I never really thought I would make a post like this, but I was wondering what would happen if Nintendo fell. What if nobody buys the Wii U, or the forget about it if they do? What if the 3DS becomes a dusty relic sitting on a faraway shelf, only to be used for brief moments of nostalgic attacks? I make this post due to the events after the N64, which was arguably the best era of gaming ever. That's where all the classics came from. Super Mario 64. Ocarina of TIme, Majora's Mask, GoldenEye and Lylat Wars. Ever since the N64 left us, people have been less keen on Nintendo. The Gamecube sported some awesome games, but it wasn't the PS2 (which is the best selling console of all time) or the XBox (the launch of Halo) The Wii was the best selling out of it's generation of console, but it received far too much hate for anyone's liking. And now comes the Wii U. Nintendo fans are angry about the delay they'll have to wait for the console, while the big N seemingly forgets about the fact that it has another console that still needs looking after. There are still a couple of games which people have to get excited over though. Skyward Sword, Xenoblade, The Last Story and a new Kirby game, but after these, it's only a long wait until the Wii U. People also seem to have lost faith in Nintendo because of the attempt at reaching the casual with the Wii the attempt at reaching the core with the Wii U. What about the fanz?

Personally, I have faith, but there are people who don't. But seriously, what would happen if Nintendo fell out of the console making like Sega? I believe that somebody would buy them. Franchises like Smash Bros, Mario, Zelda and Pokemon are far too good to pass up, so I think either Sony or Microsoft will buy them. Still, it makes me sad to think that I could even dream of these things...


  1. Nintendo has too much power and for it to die soon, though death is an inevitability

  2. I think that the 3ds will do ok, level 5 has taken quite a shine t it and has announced several games for it. Some aren't even layton, thats right level 5 will extend it's awesomeness to other things than layton

  3. 4ever, i have to say that you need to relax. focus on the here and now. Nintendo isn't going anywhere because quite frankly, Videogames wouldn't exist without nintendo.(not including atari).

  4. I would not mind seeing another F-ZERO game. they haven't been around for a while come to think of it.
    neither has starfox.
    or the game that R.O.B. is from

  5. starfox has a 3ds game coming out

  6. I hate how I am even entertaining the thought of Nintendo going down.

  7. That picture of the twin Link's I found is pretty cool...

  8. hrrrm. guess toon link is the only one that really works for me.
