You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Zelda Skyward Sword Special Edition

As you may have guessed from the title, Skyward Sword is coming into the world with a special edition version. This version comes with a gold Wii remote with the Triforce symbol as well as a CD with every Zelda song. EVERY ONE! 

Turns out I was wrong. It will only cost $70 to buy! Excellent. Another interesting thing, this game's pre-order has risen to No.1 in gamespot's pre-order list. Also, since the price cut of the 3DS, it has skyrocketed in sales. The big N is making a comeback!


  1. What's up guy's? No comments? No posts? What disease have been inflicted with?

  2. every zelda song, or just the skyward ones?

  3. sorry about my absence, but some newsflashes, new TFS, funny videos called hishe and i like those things in mario that nshoot cannonballs out of their faces. they look like yoshis. what are they called?

  4. You guys (Or at least the Doc) are going to have to make posts from here on. I have to study for exams. (Especially annoying since I now have a 3DS. It ROCKS!)

  5. everyone has a 3DS but me :(

  6. looks like its just u and me terfle.
    lets fill the blog with irrelevant posts and coments!
    just kidding
