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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

You got: the Metroid Prime Trilogy

If you are looking for the game and you actually find it, buy it immediatly. Don't hesitate, because there are so few copies left that you may never see it again. 

Okay, let's get this show on the road. I bought the MPT just yesterday, but didn't have time to play it. Now that I do, I can say it's totally freakin' awesome. But, here are a few things you will probably need to do before playing the game. Firstly, turn the sensitivity option to advanced, this will make aiming so much more precise than the other settings. Secondly, when presented with the difficulty selection, choose veteran, otherwise the game is just a bit too easy. Just saying. And finally, scrap all the ideas that you may have had about this game being like Halo or COD. MPT is more focused on exploration, platforming and strategic shooting than either of them. It's nowhere near close to a bullet/laser fest, but instead requires more thinking and navigating. You can actually ignore a lot of the enemies if you want to. Anyway, that's all from me. Back to the game...4EVER, away!


  1. I went to 9 different stores to find it. 9!
    I had to drive 24km to finally get it.

  2. IMMA BACK EVERY ONE and yes, tis rare

  3. what? no the further you get the more puzzles you find, and it does get a bit harder on prime with the bosses, are you doing them in order?

  4. same with the world ends with you, if you see it, buy it

  5. I'm doing this the proper way Terfle. In order. Which, by default, makes me a better person than you.

  6. I'm so happy. I've put 2:13 hours into the first game and I'm only 11% complete. AWESOME!
