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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Metroid Prime so far...

The first of the trilogy, Metroid Prime sees you playing as Nintendo's famous bounty hunter, Samus Aran as you platform, blast, navigate and scan your way through the remote alien world on Tallon IV. As you progress through the game, you'll be searching for suit upgrades, scanning enemies to record them in the logbook and solving some pretty tricky puzzles. A lot of your time will be spent walking, and I mean, a lot of your time, and I mean, A LOT of your time, and I mean, A HUGE FREAKIN' LOT of your time will be spent walking. However, when you aren't walking, there is a lot of great fun to be had. Walking into a new area in the game is just fantastic. You go around and try to find everything, every little secret so that you don't miss out on anything. Discovering new places is by far the best feeling you get from this game. There are some amazing battles to be had with some of the Space Pirates and Tallon IV's phazon affected inhabitants. There are also some pretty cool boss fights although, the most recent one I had was a huge jump in difficulty for the game. I almost beat the last boss with my eyes closed, but this one was completely different, almost entirely cheap. But once I figured out how to beat him, the battle stopped being frustrating and became fun. I will cover more of Prime in the review, but for now, you'll have to wait. I will say that this game is for the patient gamer. With the genre of FPS littered with the unfortunate success of Call of Duty, not many people would find Prime interesting. But for the true gamer, Prime can be a great experience.


  1. what boss were you stuck on? the giant plant one?

  2. Kept walking backwards into phazon...then, immediately afterwards, I get the Phazon Suit which makes me immune to Phazon. Yep...

  3. Why did the game give me the suit RIGHT AFTER I NEEDED IT?
