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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Monday, February 20, 2012

3DS games to look out for

The 3DS has some pretty cool games already, but here are some which you must look out for.

5.) Animal Crossing 3D.
This life sim is more or less an add on to an existing formula, but it works. What made Wild World better than City Folk was its pick up and play nature, now that it returns to a handheld with new features, Animal Crossing is well worth your time.

4.) Kid Icarus: Uprising
The developer behind Super Smash Bros is working on this and that alone is reason enough ti pick this up. Also, we haven't had a Kid Icarus game for many years and it would be cool to see what can be done to the franchise on a 3DS. 

3.) Super Smash Bros 3DS
SSBB was amazing (although some would disagree) and with a new one confirmed for the 3DS, we should all be much happier. Never played a Smash Bros game? You are missing out on one of the most fun fighting experiences out there.

2.) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
After Ocarina of Time 3D, people wanted more. After Nintendo's "It's not without possibility" response, the fans put together project Moonfall, a petition to convince Nintendo to re-release the game on the 3DS. It acquired 10,000 signatures in 5 days. Nintendo haven't confirmed it, but their reaction to the petition to it was positive. Fingers crossed.

1.) Zelda 3DS
When talking about re-releasing Majora's Mask, Nintendo stated it wouldn't feel right to release another remake right after Ocarina of Time, then said that they wanted to get an original Zelda on the market first. CONFIRMED! NEW ZELDA ON 3DS!!! A Zelda game is like Chirstmas to me, as it is to others and after the awesomeness that was Skyward Sword, I'm looking forward to more new titles.

C u round!


  1. all sound awesome, in other news i think metal gear 3ds came out today or yesterday or something

  2. Fingers are DEFINITELY crossed for Majora's Mask 3D! And looking forward to all of these, I can't wait :D

  3. Super Smash Bros is one of the successful game of 3DS. Now a days most of people play this game because they get the adventures to play this game.

  4. 2 be honest, i wouldnt mind if the remake of MM would have extra secrets/eastereggs liek in CEA
