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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Twilight Princess haters?

Ah, Zelda games. Each one I've played holds a special place in my gaming heart. What can be said about these games that hasn't already been said. They're fantastic. They're awesome. Most of the are masterpieces. Course, there was one game involving crossbows...
Aside from that, the Zelda franchise has been highly influential and critically acclaimed. Who doesn't like these games? The series has even built up a huge fan base to go along with mainstream success. Take a look at Twilight princess. It Sold around 6.5 million copies. With good reasons the game was...AWFUL?
What the hell? Awful? Who thinks this game is awful? Well, a few people... Some hate this game. They think the storytelling in this game is mediocre at best and that the level design was terrible. Also, the haters claim that this game tried too hard to be dark. I disagree. This game was plenty dark. Not in the same way as Majora's Mask, but it is still pretty unnerving at times. Especially at the end where, we don;t speak of that. Anyway, the puzzles, motion controls and story are better than any of the other Zelda games I've played (except for Skyward Sword) Perhaps the only reason that Twilight Princess wasn't as acclaimed as Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask is because they came first. The three dimensional Zelda games are the best ones, however after Ocarina of Time, they began to follow a formula. After the 2D ones changed from stuff like the Minish Cap to Phantom Hourglass, it became a very different style of game. The 3D ones didn't change to drastically after Ocarina of Time. Sure, Majora's Mask had a clock and Masks to wear, but still fairly similar. Wind Waker brought in a boat and an ocean which made things different, but Twilight Princess strayed closer to Ocarina of Time more so than the others, which (for a series with similar but different games) might not have been the best idea. Twilight Princess may have done it better, but it didn't really differ enough to have the same critical reception. Put it this way, if Twilight Princess was the first 3D Zelda game instead of Ocarina, it probably would have been considered the best of all time. Anyway, I love Twilight Princess more than my own children...uh...
It is a great game, and I just don't see where the hate comes from


  1. I love Twilight Princess. I think it's a lot more popular than the haters would lead you to believe. It's probably my 3rd fav 3D Zelda. Majora's mask is my fav, so I feel your pain when it comes to misplaced anger and illogical hatred. I really think that a lot of the haters are just fans of another game, usually Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past, who feel like if they admit to liking any other game will somehow be disloyal to their favorite one. Kinda stupid, but it's their loss since they're the ones missing out on enjoying these great games.

  2. Thank you Anonymous. You just made my day.
