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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pokemon and its weirdness

Admittedly, Pokemon is a weird game, I mean, the concept is sending a young kid out into the wild with no food, no water and only a little animal to protect him. In top of that, these kids are encouraged to make their little animals fight. Not only that, but these kids will stand still in one spot for days and days. Some of them are so cruel that they refuse to take their Pokemon to the Pokemon centres. They just stand there...motionless. So, aside from that, these trainers are a bit weird. At one point, I was derping along and a trainer challenged me to an intense battle, but not before stating "I like shorts!" Did I really need to know that? Did I really? Another time, a trainer said "I'm a cool guy! I have a girlfriend!" My respect for the man was instantly raised. Back to the shorts; a kid said "You're not wearing shorts! What's wrong with you?" I don't know. I just don't know. 
Trainers also ask for your phone number which you MUST give them. They continue to call you with information that "I lost a battle" or "My Rattata is really strong" My Moltres is trembling, trust me. 

Out of everything in the Pokemon universe, the strangest would have to be Gary Oak. For one, that might not even be his name. At the start of the game, Professor Oak comes to you and says "Here's my grandson! Errm, what's his name again?" Gee, that would suck. Your own grandfather not remembering your name. Also, he has no parents, only his sister. When he becomes Pokemon Champion, nobody cares and when you beat him, his Grandfather comes to congratulate you. Sadness!

Clearly, Pokemon takes place in a post war world. Face it, there are orphans everywhere (you and gary) and no places of entertainment, just gyms and hospitals. Kids train at the age of ten to fight and LT Surge (the third gym leader) says electric Pokemon saved him in the war. Lest we forget the brave soldiers and Pokemon who died for their country.

1 comment:

  1. my gosh...
    Its all clear to me now
    btw, gary oaks name is, according to wise-man PBG, called DUMBBUTT
