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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The death of handhelds

Remember the days of the Game Boy and the DS? The times when we brought our precious devices with all through right and rain, through thick and thin to conquer all 8 gyms and save the mushroom kingdom while getting the fastest lap time? Those days may be gone with the soon to be "death of the handheld console"

The Nintendo DS
The whole point/advantage of a handheld was that it was a device that you could carry around with you to game, whenever, wherever. In fact, some games like Pokemon or Animal Crossing were better suited to the handheld console because of their pick up and play nature. It also had a great appeal to the more casual gamer including children. It was cheaper than your standard console and served as entertainment wherever you went. The small screen and low costs of handhelds led to causal, yet fun games (sometimes) But that's all about to change.

With the introduction of smartphones, there aren't really any place for handhelds in the market left. The smartphone is a phone, Ipod, news channel and a gaming device all in one. It's just convenient to have one device that does all this than a handheld console to play the games. Thanks to the smartphone gamer audience, the casual, kid friendly games have shifted away from handhelds and have pretty much left the stage destitute. Soon enough, handhelds will be gone. So, a moment for all the fun times we had on these devices, for they won't be around for much longer. They're not dead yet...but you can see it from here.
Whazzis? Playstation...

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