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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

4EVER's favourite Zelda games 6

Doctor will most certainly rage about this, but The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks is at number 6 on my list. Basically, Spirit Tracks is an add on to Phantom Hourglass where Link is now an engineer in training in a world set "a generation" after Phantom hourglass. Almost everything about this game is done better than Hourglass, from the puzzles and design to the story and characters. For the first time, Zelda was your companion and friend, not just a kid waiting for you to collect some rocks for her. The world of Spirit Tracks is the most engaging of all the Zelda's I've played and thanks to that, the one I've completed the most. I've done everything bar catching some bunnies, but honestly, I think that's forgivable. And no more repeating the Temple of the Ocean King over and over, this time, you can skip all the floors of the Spirit Tower that you've done. However, on the minus side, the train in the game is just plain annoying. It's so slow and so frustrating. In fact,everything bad about the game can be attributed to the train. The graphics, the combat, the slowness. But, all that aside, Spirit Tracks is probably the best game on DS, that and TWEWY.


  1. not an add on. A SEQUAL DAMMIT!!!
    like every single cod game since cod 4

  2. Noob: HEY! COD 900 is coming out!
    Me: Cool, what's different about it?
    Noob: uh...
    Me: If there's no difference, why buy it?
    Noob: Because it's a new Call of Duty!
    Me: How is it new?
    Noob: It isn't
    Me: WTH!?!?!

  3. Seriously, Infinity Ward and Treyarch have so much money that they could put a lot of effort into a COD game and make it really good. But no, they choose to release the same thing every year.

  4. Doctor Who series 1: Good
    Doctor Who series 2: Great
    Doctor Who series 3: Excellent
    Doctor Who series 4: Excellent
    Doctor Who Series 5: Excellent
    Doctor Who series 6 (first half): Amazing
    Doctor Who series 6 (second half): Boring. Dull. Unoriginal. Stupid.
    We need a new writer.

  5. but.. but.. whatabout layton and superscribblenauts
