You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An idea!

I know not many people comment on dis blog (maybe you're shy, maybe our views are just click on, click off) but me hopes that ppls will comment on our future lines of post. The new theme is SKYRIM VS SKYWARD SWORD. So, we'll be making posts on which is better and I hope that some of our readers (if any) comment on the great war. So, haters gonna hate and fanboys gonna fan. Let the battle begin.


  1. I know skyrim has nothing to do with nintendo, but there has been so much animosity between them, I couldn't pass this up.

  2. I really love Skyrim, but haven't played skyward sword. I think the reason Skyrim got GOTY is that the world and the experience of you being in that world works so beautifully. The subtle soundtrack plays softly, while you walk around a town square, with someone selling goods to your right, and another person worshipping the great god Talos. It truly is an amazing experience. And then there's the epic theme that plays during the main menu............

  3. umm, to be honest, i believe that skyward sword plays better than skyrim.
    not to mention that there is a distinct lack of glitches

  4. i agree with the me person, he explains it really well, though the occasional glitches and lag are annoying.

  5. Skyward Sword is amazingly amazing at being amazingly amazing

  6. Yeah the glitches can be annoying, but they're becoming less and less evident with updates. And realistically I don't seem t get much lag, but I'm playing on medium graphics on my pc. Are u on a console Terfle? And Skyrim gets game soundtrack of the year, hands down.

    Another point is that Skyrim feels like a pick-up-and-play game to me. It might not feel like that with others, but it's not a hardcore game that I'm gonna work at forever till I finish it. When I feel like wondering around Skyrim to escape the real world, I will. One of the main reasons Skyrim works is that ANYTHING is fun to do in Skyrim. There are always new places to discover, new roads to walk through, new quests to start. Like I said before, the experience is like no other. And I'm a he, btw :P I'm gonna change my name.... Sometime soon....

  7. yeah, im a console gamer, so sadly there isn't really anything i can do about the occasional lag other than wait it out. Skyrim's soundtrack is definitely amazing, and i agree pretty much everything is fun.
