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Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why I love/hate Metroid Prime

Before we get into our new topic (Skyward Sword vs Skyrim) I have to get this out. I love/hate Metroid Prime. To me, it's a very mixed bag of things. I really enjoy the epic boss battles, discovering new areas and finding new upgrades. Those feelings are some of the purest rushes in gamin. Fighting Dark Samus in Echoes: Awesome! Getting a gravity suit: Downright cool! Walking from point A to point B for 20 minutes to get a missile expansion: Not so much. See, while I love going finding new areas to explore and finding new things, I absolutely hate having to backtrack through places I've already been just to get something as small as an upgrade. Other games have since perfected backtracking to make it not only fun, but interesting, Yet the first two Metroid Prime games frustrate me because of it. If the game had a fast travel system or no back tracking at all, then it would be an easy 10/10, but thanks to the amount of time spent going back and forth, I can't say that it's my favourite game ever. Also, it made me resort to doing something I hate. Using a walktrhough. Some people praise the lack of direction because it makes you feel like you're alone on a planet, but I honestly can't stand it. However, Corruption looms with a fast travel system...OJBPUOBVPIFUAEHBPIHGFBVBDSKJVJNBSB EISNPISBIUNIPSEBUBIUIAW BPIWB IUWEN PBOWUN !!!!
I really can't wait to play it!

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