You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Meanwhile, back at Terfle's...

On monday, the three of us headed over to Terfle's house for a good old fashion gaming session. Not online play, just good old fashion split screen. Dr. Nick was fashionably late, but so fashionably that it went out of style. We spent most of our time playing MPT and SSBB. We started by all teaming up on a level 9 Pit, with the three of us all on handicaps of 300% damage. This was challenging, yet rewarding. Our Metroid fun came from shooting each other to bits. Terfle always gets angry at me because I make a "tactical retreat" whenever the going gets tough and go look for power ups and weapons and health, but I don't mind. The winning was mostly done by Terfle and I over 3 of the maps, Dr Nick has not played the MPT as much as either of us and was a little less experienced...but when it came to the map shooting grounds, he was all over us. That map has a turret and...well...let's just say the Doctor was quite good with it. We also played my personal favourite Wii game: New Super Mario Bros. Wii and one of my favourite DS games, The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks.

And today, I finally got GoldenEye Wii. At last!!! I'll probably post about that in the future...who am I kidding probably.


  1. Leeeeerrrrooooyyyyy jjjeeeennnkkkkiiiinnnnnssssss

  2. 'Retreat' isn't quite the word i would use. You only 'retreat' every time a battle starts, in which you dont have the annihilator beam.

  3. Annihilator beam kills all, it hunts you down, then goes after your babies

  4. true, very true...
    but the turret kills you, goes after nyour babies and then continues its non- stop killing spree throughout ghenerations of your family!!!!
    in other words Turret = EPIC WINNING!!!!
