You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Okay, here me out:

There you are, walking around in your suit, carrying only a power beam. You morph into your ball and roll about for a while, looking for that precious crate which contains that evil weapon which kills many a intergalactic bounty hunter. You fire a few shots. Damn. Only a Light Beam. Suddenly, without warning, another player jumps out from behind you and cries: WARNING! I'M GOING TO ATTACK YOU! Your lack of warning makes you disorientated for a moment as you swerve around trying to find the silent attacker. Only, you can't because you are frozen on the spot due the the fact that you've been hit by a charged shot from a dark beam. You mash the "B" button and fire back at him. The two of you strafe each other and fire beams, but you've just been hit with a charged shot again!. You're not doing well, 44 health remaining. But you've barely hurt your enemy, since he's still on 80 health. You have two options. Guess which one is right. (Hint: Not the text in red)

You decide to keep shooting, even though you aren't in good shape. Sure, you could run off and get a better weapon, but no, you're too macho. He keeps hitting you with that charged dark beam attack, meaning not only do you have less health, but also a worse weapon. Arrgghh. If only you hadn't been so macho. ZZZTTT. You're screen cuts out. You've died. You lose.

You decide to run. What else are you supposed to do? Fight back even though he has much more health and a better weapon? And, you've only just realized, he has massive damage as well. Better skedaddle. You transform into a morph ball and roll off, enemy hot on your heels. But, thankfully, there is a cannon. You roll into it. It pops up, also killing your enemy in the process. Whew, you think, wiping your sweaty controller against your pants. Good thing I decided to run. I might have died if I hadn't. 

So...Terfle...see what I mean?


  1. ah yes, the cannon. just one of thosr things that will kill you i you get too close...
    much like ganondorf in twighlight princess
    how can the ball and chain not affect him...

  2. Its not at all frowned upon to occasionally advance in the opposite direction, its when you do it constantly, unless you are completely certain you will win, that it becomes annoying. It leaves none of the game down to skill, just overwhelming odds.

  3. You know if you look at the ball inside the cannon, it actually turns death ball.

  4. HEY!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. @^%#!$^@$^ and find me in the outs!

  7. Son of a gum chewing funk monster, why the fruit does all this funny stuff happen to me? always surrounded by these miserable failures, like the whole world just likes to bend me over and find me in the outs! like I'm some sort of sloth recepticle. well as far as I care, all these miserable cows can have their fancy barbeque with a lousy pig!!!

  8. that was the ultimate rage

  9. i've heard lolberries lots at school
