You like Nintendo? We love Nintendo!

Hey everyone, 4EVER here, writing a message about the awesomeness of nintendo. From the Wii, to the 3DS, we at the 4EVER Nintendo blog just can't get enough!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Looking back over nintedo's impressive history i seemed to notice something, this is probably something only for the newer consoles as i didn't actually look back or anything (that would take far too much effort) is that there seems to be a flaw. As far as flaws go this is pretty minor, it wont make an aeroplane decompress at 6000 feet or anything but it does annoy me none the less. That flaw is resolution. The ds, while a very good hand held, to be blunt has below standard resolution, the screen does not fit as many pixels as it should. The psp for example has far superior resolution, but it does not have a touch screen so in my opinion the ds is better. Compared tot he other 7th gen consoles the Wii doesn't have the best graphic's, the wii has great games that have impressive graphocs like crystal bearers and other m, but i cant help but wonder how much better they would be if the wii was better. Finally Nintendo has fixed this with the 3ds! it has far better resolution than the ds, which was sort of necessary for the 3d, but still they fixed it! yaaaaaaay. This will make the 3ds without a doubt the best handheld console. You can still play regular ds games but they will look a bit blurry, or you can change it so that it plays in proper resolution but it will not take up the whole screen.



  1. 2 things
    1: there is now an english trailer for the new KH game 3d
    2: I found you a permadeath game I think
    legend of zelda, the original games
    when you die in the second game, you go back to hyrule castle and you have to continue from there

  2. YOU HAVE A 3DS! ZOMG!!!!!!!!! Hail terfle...hail terfle
