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Sunday, May 8, 2011

super smash bros. character dissection: the Pink Marshmallow of death, KIRBY

Ah yes, the mighty kirby. The cannibal marshmallow vaccum cleaner that won the hearts of nintendians around the world. As Kirby fetured in the original SSbros. game, it is only natural that he/she/it should feature in SSBB.

Unless you have been in a cave since you were born, then you would know that kirby can fly by sucking in air and holding his breath. In ssbb, this ability returns to kirby making his jump distance massive. It also eliminates a recovery move as kirby needs one not. Kirby's attacks mainly revolve around his abilities taken from previous kirby games. first of all, the vaccum attack. to a hapless enemy who comes to close to kirby as he generates a suction force by inhaleing, all they can see is darkness. then you can do one of three things. No.1: you can absorb their power by pressing "b" wihich allows kirby to copy the normal smash of the character they just absorbed. e.g: if kirby absorbs samus, it can use her power beam. No.2: by pressing the "a" button, kirby can fire his victim at another enemy, however, the attack is short ranged. No.3: the opponent can break out of kirby's mouth. if this happens, I reccomend you unleash a flurry of kirby punches, then eat them again to show them who's boss. kirby's side smash attack involves him picking up a hammer that suspiciously looks like king dedede's and smashing whoever is in range. kirby's up smash allows him to leap up into the air with a cutlass sword and then bring it down again, which generates a forcce that flies out in front of kirby (NOTE: kirby's up smash is not a recovery move. if you use it as a recovery move, you will most likely fall to your death). Kirby's down smash sees him transforming into a rock with happy eyes, an angry rock, a kirby coloured brick, and a spike ball. I reccomend asking terfle or 4ever about the other forms that kirby can take with rock powers in the games that it stars in.

Kirby's final smash is unnavoidable if you are witin its range. if you are, then start praying because there is a very good chance that you're going to be knocked off the stage by a marshmallow in a chef's hat. The attack is named cook kirby, which is why food items spawn on the stage when kirby uses this attack.

as mentioned before by 4ever, kirby possesses a secret weapon. this is the "hiii" taunt. as it takes a short amount of time and is annoying, it is the perfect taunt and thus, makes kirby the ultimate enemy to fight as your not only fighting a cannibal who can fly and steal your powers from you, you're fighting a cannibal who can fly, steal your powers and drive you insane. All in a days work for the hero of dream land.


  1. the second image is what kirby is to his opponents, THE GRIM SPECTRE OF DEATH!!!
    he's coming for meargh!!..............................................................................................................................................................hiiiii

  2. 'the cannibal marshmallow vacuum cleaner' the perfect way to describe kirby. also the hammer is from kirby's hammer form, they need to make magic kirby's hat an option in the next super smash bros.
